Which Path Did You Take?

Not accurate. The Alliance leaders who joined the battle and entered the throne room, would all be dead if not for Jaina. Jaina was unexpected and only her specific skillset turned the tide and saved the Alliance.

Otherwise the Alliance would have lost 3-4 key leaders including thier King.


She is a brilliant strategist.

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Which does not fit your logic of Sylvanas expecting the Alliance to be able to get passed the blight, as obviously without knowing how they would that very same method could be used to get them out of the throne room. So she either expected someone to be able to mass teleport, like Alleria, or Sylvanas didn’t actually think through her plan.

That is irrelevant Amadis, she expected them to get to the throne room otherwise she would not have set this trap in the throne room.

It is entirely relevent, because if she expected Alleria to get them in then she should have expected Alleria to get them out.

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She did not expect Alleria to get them in the Horde retreated and expected them to come through the front door. Which they did.

What doesn’t make sense is how they notified Alleria they needed backup after jaina blew through the walls because the Alliance was not even expecting Jaina!

The Alliance could not get to the front door. The only indication that they could have bypassed the blight was Alleria with her void teleport, as Jaina was not expected.

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Exactly. Jaina was not expected. Alleria was only expected to teleport in backup, they were not expecting a trap.

That’s my point. Sylvanas would have won because the Alliance didn’t see her trap coming. The Alliance only won because of Jaina unexpectedly joining the fight.

Only Jaina could have swiftly portal’d them out

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Alleria could have teleported them out as quickly as she teleported them in, just like Jaina did, so either Sylvanas expected that, or didn’t think that through.


No. No one agrees with you there.
Alleria’s portals are not a mage mass teleport. Only a skilled mage can move multiple people in a split second.

Alleria’s portals were planned. The only other characters who could possibly do what Jaina did is Oculeth but only with the use of tech, or the Council of six.

Only. Jaina. Could. Save. Them.

There’s no reason for anyone not to agree with me there. Alleria has not been shown to be slow with void magic.


Except the Alliance knew there was a trap and obviously had contingencies involved. Jaina or no Jaina.

I dunno. They seemed genuinely worried about being buried alive. Sylvanas simply caught them off guard. And without jaina, they would all be dead. And if they did know, they’re morons for walking right in to it :wolf:

She knew where that voice had come from. She knew what it wanted. And she knew only it
could save them. She lashed out with the Light one more time, clearing a swath of space in
front of her. Then she let it go.
She reached out for the Void. Dark power flowed into her. She did not know how to control
it, but that did not matter. Something else, far away, did the work for her. Something else,
far away, wanted her to survive. She could feel its maddening whispers flooding her
A jagged portal opened from thin air, black as the darkest corner of the universe.
Turalyon turned with a jolt. He stared in shock at the portal. “Alleria…?”
The way he said her name broke her heart.
With a scream of despair, Alleria hooked her arm around Turalyon’s throat and dragged
him through the portal. She felt him shout in pain as he crossed its threshold. The Light and
the Shadow cannot exist together.
She could still feel his pulse. Crossing through Void power hadn’t killed him.
The portal snapped closed. Alleria collapsed on all fours, exhausted, gasping. She looked up
into the swirling, shimmering mayhem of the Twisting Nether. She and Turalyon rested on
a hunk of rock floating in the midst of nothing, barely big enough for the two of them.
Alleria let the Shadow go. Pushed it away. The whispers of madness faded.
Turalyon was sprawled on his back, groaning. Alleria watched him. Pain squeezed her soul
for what she had done and for what she was about to do.
“We are safe. Far from Argus,” she said.

There we go, if push came to shove Alleria can open portals for anyone! Check and mate on that

[Spoiler] Lordaeron Throne Room Confrontation – Horde - YouTube

Seems more angry then worried. Especially considering Sylvanas just escaped.

Added note, we just saw Calia able to light barrier us from the plague. What makes you think Anduin couldn’t do the same?

Nobody claimed he couldn’t

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I think it’s ego that Alliance don’t want to admit thier faves were outfoxed by Sylvanas.

But they were outfoxed and they would have all died if this plan went off perfectly.

Except the point seems to be that Renautus thinks the Alliance in that scene would have been screwed without Jaina. When you had two options to deal with it.

Again, we were literally told before we even went into the Throne room it was likely a trap. The fact it didn’t kill anyone and left Lordearon a plague mess means it was a bad trap all along.

The Alliance would have been screwed without Jaina. Alleria is not at Jaina’s level.

The Alliance had no idea what Sylvanas was planning. Not even Alleria.

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They would’ve been buried alive in the rubble without Jaina. That’s just how it is. It was a clever ploy on Sylvanas’ part though. Rigging the city with plague bombs.

Again, Alleria could have just ported them out. There are MULTIPLE examples of her using the void to get herself and those around her out of danger/teleport somewhere else.

It was not as clever as you make it out to be because it failed to kill anyone. With or without Jaina the Alliance leaders would not have died.

Jaina saved the day.