Didn’t unlock KT, HMT, Vulpera, or Mechagnome. Early on I unlocked Z trolls, Nightborne, and Mag’har, then faction changed them back and forth to get their ally counterparts. Which I’ve yet to actually play.
I don’t play Alliance, so although I completed the pre-requisites for some of the Legion era
Alliance allied races, I never unlocked them and will not ever.
I unlocked most of them as they became available, but I didn’t bother with mechagnomes for a long time. It was dumb too, because after they let you skip the dungeon requirements I just needed to do the actual allied race quest to unlock them, but I still didn’t bother because they are gross.
I don’t think I’ve ever made a mechagnome character even after unlocking them, too. Just a weird race all around.
Dont have any of the Alliance ones unlocked.
Just can’t be bothered.
That is a bit of a head scratcher as I kept changing my mind about it.
The Dark Ranger Night and Void elves can resume being among their community and be used as standard Night and Void elf HOWEVER there wasn’t much explored about Dark Rangers and the Blood elves so i’m not sure if they were always welcomed back to their former community.
Simple. Vulpera and Mag’har and also Zandalari.
The only ones I didn’t unlock were the Kul’tirans, because I couldn’t figure out how to progress the Alliance campaign at the time never felt like going back to finish it once BFA was over.
It’s been so long since I’ve looked at the list at character creation I honestly forget what all I have unlocked. The only one I ever used is the Mag’har.
I know FOR SURE that I don’t have Mecha Gnomes unlocked. I’m PRETTY SURE I never did the unlock for Highmountain either.
Regardless, y’know what? Whichever allied races I already have unlocked, I wouldn’t bother unlocking any more of them anyway. There are, admittedly, a few characters I would love to pay for race changes for… but I’m not about to waste time on a quest that’s from what—2, 3 expansions ago? Not worth it.
High Mountain Tauren, just didn’t care. Kul Tiran, also didn’t care.
I believe theyre all unlocked.
Mechagnomes dont interest me in the least.
I unlocked all of them, but play none of them. They were much less exciting than I thought. But, if Kul Tirans could actually do the full Kul Tiras intro, I would.
Zandalari because it felt really silly having troll paladins. Everyone remembers the tales of Charlemagne’s gallant paladins doing voodoo magic and living in swamps and talking in a Louisiana accent.
Vulpera and Kul Tiran. The former will never get unlocked, but I may get around to unlocking the latter at some point.
Still have orcs, trolls, dwarves, kul tiran left to unlock… I thought mechagnomes would have been cooler. Most of these are pretty underwhelming – Vulpera being the most I feel. Nightborne a close second… both have potential though!
I have all of them but dear god Blizzard’s philosophy behind them is so stupid. What would entice new players to actually get out there and get immersed in the world is if the recruitment questline was automatically available for each race at the embassy. Let any player who comes back just pick up the recruitment quests (which in themselves are great, it’s the nuanced achievements that suck) and unlock the races. RPG’s are about the fun adventurers and playing the character you want.
Mechagnome mage use mirror image and their racial that creates mirror images.
Run around with an army of the worst looking race.
That’s the only reason I unlocked them lol
I resubscribed at the end of BFA and unlocked them all because I thought SL was going to be good. Lol
none of the horde ones cause i quit playing horde and probably never will play horde again. i barely play my alli toons as it is.
Dark Iron Dwarves and Mecagnomes. Just no appeal there for me.
Only one im missing is night born,
Mechagnomes & trolls