Which Legion class mount did you like/disliked the most?

I had always liked Legion when it came to us getting class mounts, it was about time. But then there’s some that would of been better off being a different species. So far, I like most of them, but there are some that just don’t sit right with me.

I’ll list some that I liked/disliked;

Warrior: They’re alright, but I wished they weren’t tied to spec only.

Hunter: Not a fan of wolves, but that’s just me. Would of liked the class mount to be one of those Rocs, hope we can ride some in the future.

Priest: Another series of spec only mounts, love it for being half owl though!

Death Knight: Spec only mounts again, kinda wished the head type looked like Sindragosa’s.

Monk: Would of been nice if it came in 3 different versions with colors that matched the specs.

Demon Hunter: Would of liked another another 2 versions.

Shaman: Again with the spec only, still a cool mount though.

Druid: Not even a mount, should of given them an option to change your ground travel form at level 20 in moonglade, instead of having to wait until level 70 to use the new bird form.

Rogue: Not a fan of sneaking into capital cities, an alright mount besides that.

Mage: Never liked it, never will.

Warlock: The shadowy void wrathsteed is my favorite one.

Paladin: Wished the red one didn’t have the blue glow/hoof prints, would of been nice if the glowing bits were red.

What are your thoughts about them?

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Warrior, Hunter, and Rogue had the absolute worst mounts. Everyone else’s were pretty cool imo.


At least we get to carry people, so it’s not all bad. Now we just need ridable aqua form.


My favorites were paladin, monk, and priest. I liked paladin because they looked so fancy and I love the glyph for my divine steed - I don’t get stuck in doorways anymore! The monk mount is entertaining, I like how he talks. The priest one I like because it’s pretty and changes with spec.

The ones I didn’t like are the warrior one and druid. That dragon is the most hideous thing I ever seen. As for the druid one. It looks nice but it doesn’t fit either of my druids (they’re a zandalari troll and a kultiran) so I haven’t bothered to get it.

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Death Knight.

The one I liked the most: Wolfhawks. All of them.

The one I disliked the most: Priest’s owl creature thing. It disturbs me.


Warrior, warlock, rogue, paladin, mage, demon hunter and death knight all had bad ones due to it being reskins or just boring.

Overall i’d say mage had the worst and shaman had the best.

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i love the shaman mount the most and wish it were three mounts instead of a spec-specific mount.

Favorite - Archmage’s Disc. I love hover discs, it’s one of my favorite mounts. Sadly it’s mage only.

Least - Demon hunter. It’s not that it’s bad or anything, I’m just not into those kind of bats.

The rest I think are pretty cool and great mounts overall. I use some of them a lot on alts. Though I wouldn’t mind a silencer for the monk one.


I don’t know why they made some class mounts spec only and some with any spec.

Different class teams wanted to do it differently I guess.

Some of it was probably them wanting to change things for the sake of change because reasons. You know, usual Blizzard conduct.

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Shammy’s giant elemental was a wonderful badass mount. It easily takes the cake as the best mount to have come from the great idea that was Class Mounts. Warlocks come close, and I actually like the Mage disc since I already use the Red Flying Cloud from MoP a whole lot. The Wolfhawk was kind of meh but the shouting animation to summon it was cool. Ban-Lu is a great mount offset by a very annoying unique speaking ability that got old the millionth time he tries to tell you about his Hozen Buttercream Pie story. :crazy_face:

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The only thing i disliked about them was the fact that they blew mount collecting out of the water, up until that point i tried my best to collect all of the mounts i could but as soon as they all had an additive impact on our mount totals i stopped collecting, i just couldn’t imagine myself ever being willing to make one of each class, level them up, do all of the class hall stuff and the breaching the tomb achievement over and over and over…


Just the class hall campaign takes about a week for me. The extra step of Breaching the Tomb is too much this far away from Legion.

That’s true, would of been nice if they changed that achievement to make it less time consuming.

DK and warrior ones being tied to spec sucked because the spec I want to play for both of those classes has a colouration I don’t want.

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The rogue one is just god awful.

Dumb bird with a stupid hat.

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I created this toon after legion and am too lazy to go and unlock the mount/glyph

/cries in getting stuck in doorways

I still use the paladin, warlock, mage, and hunter ones regularly. The shaman one on occasion.

Typically I prefer smaller mounts.

Never bother to get the monk, priest, or Druid ones.

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