Which Legion class mount did you like/disliked the most?

Going to have to go with the purple accursed wrathsteed. That horse is simply downright awesome. From the color to the sound effects.

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I like most of them…the one I hate the most ironically is the one that belongs to my class :frowning: Yay…a flying sewer grate. >_>

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I have to agree with OP. I really hate colors being tied to spec.

Warrior: Pretty good.
Hunter: Meh. Should’ve been a Hawk or something.
Priest: Owls are cool.
DK: A frost wyrm, as expected. The questline was awesome.
Monk: Please allow us to squelch him. Please.
DH: Not a fan of the ground movement animation.
Shaman: An awesome mount to top of an awesome class campaign.
Druid: Not a fan, really.
Rogue: I didn’t like the colors. But otherwise was a quite decent mount.
Mage: I don’t get why all the hate these mounts receive. I like them. Blood Elves and VEs look weird on them, though. Why are they crouching?
Warlock: Another fire horse… dissapointing.
Paladin: Another plated horse… dissapointing.


Actually, if you discover all of the intractable scrolls on Pandaria, you get exalted with the Lorewalkers and can get the Red Flying disk :slight_smile:
It takes like, 2 hours max

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I especially like the three different warlock steeds. We’re rather horse deprived hordeside.

shaman class mount looked like a flying poo

DK class mount looked too similar to ICC achievement mounts so it was kinda boring

Demon hunter mount looks pretty ugly to me

I love the priest owl mount and the mage disc though, and tons of people seem to hate those so opinions will be opinions.

Not gonna lie . . . Wolf hawk by a country mile.

It’s not a sewer grate it’s a giant flying fidget spinner.

They were very popular during that time. Every kid had one. Whether they had ADHD or not.

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As Monk is my main the monk mount was the best for me. It talks to you with jokes and wisdom and it got the feel of pandaria down pat with it. Also another tiger is never really a bad thing.

The rest are pretty much what I thought they’d be.

Paladins and Warlocks got basically flying versions of their old mounts. I would have had a holy winged creature and a flying demon but eh not to bad.

Warriors got the most neutral version of warrior lore that blizzard could possibly come up with.

DK and Shaman were pretty spot on how they’ve built those classes leaning in really hard of their chosen path of power.

DH got the basically the poster creature as their mount as they were the new class. It isn’t bad it just isn’t really anything to write home about either though.

Rogue, Hunter and Priest were safe calls if not just a tad odd.

Druid was disappointing but in line with their class so I like it more than I don’t

The Mage is just terrible. It is the red cloud mount but with frost, arcane, and fire flares.

Shaman was the best for me.

Worst was probably Priest, if I could have picked which skin regardless of spec I would have liked that one a lot more.

I found Paladin, Warlock, and Mage to get the short end of the stick for mounts. At least I get to punch my mount into obeying me.

How dare you speak ill of MISTER BITEY!

Favorite: Hunter. It’s simple, and works well with a lot of my Hunter’s transmogs.

Least favorite: Mage. It’s a manhole cover.

The mage pizza is def lame but it has its uses especially when farming due to its small size. It’s smaller in height then even the panda cloud.

The worst has to be the monk tiger. That thing has its colouration completely wrong. It looks like it’s been copy pasted from an entirely different game where the gamma? Has been turned up to 11.

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I think I’m in the minority here hah!

The Druid is my favorite “mount” in the game by far. I adore the style and how it flies. I was so happy when I unlocked it.

For actual mounts I really like the Hunter wolf-hawk hybrid thing though it looks a little odd in flight. Priest owl-gryphon is probably my second favorite.

My least favorite is likely the mage one, it’s just so small. They could have done something much cooler with a flying glyph type mount.


Love my fire tornado mount.

Pally mount has the best summoning sound.

I disagree on the Warlock and Paladin horses being disappointing.

Updated Class mounts are something I had wanted for a long time. Especially since Divine Charge still used that horribly looking Classic model, and with the Legion mount you can glyph it to replace that model.

The Wolfhawk Hunter mounts were my favourite.

Despite the druid form getting a lot of backlash, I actually liked that it was a new flight form, I liked the owl design, and that it can carry another player. It just should’ve been added to the mount list like the others.

As much as I envy the Warlocks, Although the Shadowblades’s Muderous Omen is one of the Worst. The Bird grew on me to the Point of giving it a Name.

Too bad my mount Lady Death is going to retire when my Lucid Nightmare takes to the skies within the Next expansion.

  • Shamans: the best

  • Death knight because you EPIC cinematic


GMforum NOTE: OH… COME ON MODS… :rage: :rage: It is difficult to get a trust level in the forum, and the only opportunity to give charisma to my posts is with youtube videos, and they make me an image, please…

  • Demon hunters: because have a spectacular summon spell

  • Monk: ideal for a windwalker monk.

  • Palladin, Hunters, Warlocks and rogues it’s cool

  • Druids : come on, this a joke.

  • Mage: uff… I had phoenixes, flying carpets, flying books, even an elemental, how did they ruin that opportunity with freezbe? disappointing