Which is faster, monk, druid, or demon-hunter?

simply put, i wanna make a new character who’s fast, which of these 3 classes is the fastest, monk, druid, or demon-hunter? i wanna go as fast as possible folks, which class moves the fastest?

I’m gonna say Druid because I play a Vengeance DH. Reason I give Druid the nod is the roar and sprint. They are pretty close though.


Druid wins. it can cat form for a speed boost even in instances, can travel form in outdoor instances on demand too. plus form swapping is instant


I’d say WW is the fastest spec in the game. Chi torpedo and flying dragon kick are just too good.

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Fast at what? Running, walking, fighting, making a cocktail, what in particular?


at travel without a mount. prefferably in-doors. i’m trying for rivendare’s charger, and i need a fast as heck class to run it again and again.

Then druid. If you get the Legion class hall you can use a druid portal inside an instance to go to your class hall, then use the same ability to return and it puts you outside the entrance. Ive used that ability mysself to gather herbs in Legion.

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They’re all pretty damn close lol. I’d give the edge to WW. Flying serpent kick, tigers lust, chi torpedo? Zoom zoom.

Well, my priestes is fastest at making a cocktails (alchemy gives her the edge) but my druid is fastest when it comes to movement speeds (and convenience).

Cat form also gives 30% faster movement and lasts indefinitely. The longer the distance being covered, the further ahead the Druid is going to pull.

Like, running from the entrance of Sanctum all the way to Kelthuzad, before they put the teleporters in? Druid, hands down.


I can charge 40 yards in 0.5 secs wearing full plate armor .

Which is about 165 mph :sunglasses:


Druid all the way, specifically cats.


You want druid. For repeat runs of old content, can’t beat em. Finish. Dreamwalk. Dreamwalk again to beginning of instance and reset. Repeat.


Monk is fastest in terms of sheer burst speed.

DH has better vertical mobility and can clear large gaps better.

Druid loses the burst mobility game but has a good kit for it otherwise.

Honorable mention goes to a warrior with double time and intervene.

Monk is a great class, enjoy.

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Demon Hunter. Double Jump. Infernal Strike (x2 Heroic leap). Stack Mastery in Havoc and run as fast as yer lil demon hooves can take ye.

Yes, its a great handy tool for farming instances. Which is why it gets used so much by bots, probably.

You have to do druid, because Emerald Dreamway. That’s how I got that mount.

Suggestion: start one or more allied race characters on new starter accounts. Put them on follow and drag them behind you for more chances. They may have to be level 15 to enter.

I did my rivendare grind on a druid with the fast sprint talent, engi belt enchant and the BoE movement speed legendary from legion. Combined with the order hall tele I was averaging like 2 minute runs.

People are talking about how druids are the best because you can use Dreamwalk to zone out and zone back in, but monks can do that too with Zen Pilgrimage.

Also, with any class, you can get sent back to the beginning of a dungeon by killing yourself using a cooking fire and Pinchwhistle Nitro Fuel.

Druid, I’ve beat the other two back to a boss after a wipe.

Wild charge also prevents fall damage. Jump off a cliff, wild charge close to the ground, then just keep running. If you cant use travel form, sprint. If you want everyone to run fast, there’s a button for that too. And lets not forget about water and orca form.

Druid is just a fun class to play.

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