Which is faster, monk, druid, or demon-hunter?

For run speed, Feral. 147% movement speed with no Speed gear. Nothing comes close. It’s also got really good burst speed with Tiger Dash, on a 45 sec cd.

Actually Shamans with Spirit Wolf might be a little bit faster.

Wouldn’t it be easier to just farm it on the toon you’re on? Plus all of strat is outside, longest part is the rp before the abominations iirc

probably druid, since they have a constant 30% speed boost without CD, short cd speed burst, can stealth past unnecessary packs.

DH’s are pretty fast as well, not quite druid tier but they’re up there.

No experience with monk.

Honorable mention for hunter (surprised no mention of them so far). Trailblazer (30% speed boost when out of combat) + disengage hopping + cheetah (granted it has a long CD, but there is a conduit you can pick up that makes its second effect last longer). Doesn’t take me much longer to run old content on this toon than my druid.

I read the whole thread thinking I was going to be the first to mention Hunter as well. I believe they are the fastest run speed class overall at the moment. Get a couple Longstrider pieces (don’t even need a full speed set) and you can consistently run at mount speed while attacking at range, etc. All too easy for farming old content.

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Feral and Shaman are faster.

Baseline cat form has 30% run speed and Ferals have an additional 15% run speed on top of that. All the time, without any talents or gimmicky builds.

Shaman actually has the fastest run speed with Ghost Wolf + Spirit Wolf talent, but obviously they cannot perform any attacks with it.

My Death Knight is angry at this.

Cats win for zoomies

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My druid had a footrace once with a demon hunter to see who would be the fastest, and so presumably the best flag carrier. I had already won that spot from a paladin, who was really good for a paladin, but a lot slower than me, especially with flag carry talents.

The demon hunter’s plan was to cast prison on me at the start. That failed because by the time the cast went off I had dashed away and was already out of range. I was waiting at the finish line in travel form, jumping up and down…

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