😎 Which hunter race is literally the coolest?

No joking, just serious answers. Which race is the coolest for hunters. Which race do you envy as they walk by?

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Best hunter races are night elf and orc.


There are some cool things you can do with void elf racial that are extremely useful in PvP. Especially as a class that wants to kite.

It depends on the situation

For example, pve/pvp/RP/Lore e.t.c



Every race. It’s the class that is cool! :sunglasses:

(My favorite? Tauren.)


Behold me for I am perfect



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Literally the coolest would most of the time be undead as they are room temperature.


Tauren > Orc > Dwarves > nelves > belves > rest


Void elves, every denizen of the realms turn the eye at the sight of me wreaking infernal crows and hounds on my adversaries.


Undead, they have no body heat therefore they are the coolest :sunglasses:


It might sound stupid but I always found the concept of a worgen hunter with a bear companion sounded interesting, and it really why I made a worgen hunter to begin with.

The worgen loathe the undead, and the undead loathe bears so the contrast was just entertaining for me as dumb as that may sound. Also does make world pvp a bit more interesting for me personally when I do come across an undead player.



Is there any really differences dps wise between races?
I like orc but I am tempted to change to tauren… Any thought?

It depends on the Profession too.

If you are going to be an Engineer, Gnome has advantage as Gnomes get +15 Engineering Skill. Engineering is arguably the best in PvP. Gnomes has Escape Artist too that allows them to escape when he got Crowd controlled.

If you are going to be Master on Cooking and Fishing, Pandarens has advantage on food buffs as they get double the buffs. If the Food would give you 100 Agility, Pandaren gets double… 200 Agility. If you want to specialize in Cooking, you need to specialize to Fishing too as many or most awesome foods comes from Fishing. Pandarens have Bounce ability that they get only 50% less fall damage. If a cliff would damage you 5M hp and your HP is just 5M, you would die. But if you are a Pandaren, you would survive becoz you would only get 2.5M damage with your 5M hp. And Pandaren has bonus interrupt ability, Quaking Palm when on melee.

Nothing to do with Profession but with NightElf, they have Shadowmeld… invisibility while not moving. And you can use it as Feign Death… to get you out of combat too. Hunters have Feign Death. Hunter with Shadowmeld is like having 2x Feign Death ability. Shadowmeld too is good for ambushing. People could get hit like a truck without them knowing it that you were there.

Unless you’re a world first raider or pushing the absolute highest keys available, the dps difference between the races is irrelevant.

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Ever since the shooting animation update orc dropped down a tier because they now shot the bow sideways. This list is purely feel and astetic.

S: pre animation change orc, void elf, human
A: female night elf, blood elf, dwarf
B: male night elf, troll, dark iron dwarf, new orc, tauren
C: undead
lower: all others.


Not really to any significant degree, though personally I’ve been tempted to make a zandalari mm hunter because of their two racials. There’s nothing better then getting another goblin glider when your entire goal in world pvp is to kite constantly.

Goblin hands down.

Big sniper rifle, mechanical pet, traps, mechanical mounts.

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Draenei have a lot of swag when they flip their guns and crossbows when firing.

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