😎 Which hunter race is literally the coolest?

Biggest differential I can think of is one of the Void elf racials provides a temporary 12 second 5% healing and DPS buff with a 33% chance of activation on use of any of your abilities class wise, also no knock back for casters and ranged. Similarly Orcs have a DPS buffer as well which also decreases stun duration, though the Orc one is determined by a statistical percentage and not a set amount represented by X% for melee and Y% for casters.

My alt is a Tauren BM hunter.

I like Tauren for hunter because they are just so big, they look like they are 9 feet tall in the game, LOL.

As far as certain scenarios goes. I think Worgen or Night Elves are the coolest in general. Personally i love Vulpera because they often miss you (And they do a lot when in groups) as well a lot of your weapons are not scaled down so they often are as big as you are. PvP wise, I still think Orcs have that uncontested, or was it Trolls? Never big on PvP anyways, so correct me if I’m wrong!

Female spacegoat FTW

Blood elf/Void elf master race

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i am, so it’s important to know

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If you were, you wouldn’t need to ask on the forums…

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if you were, you wouldn’t need to tell on the forums.




None of yall have been watching the MDI apparently.

#Showtooltip Shadowmeld
/cast shadowmeld
/use wisp amulet

Come on playing WoW since release and a
Warcraft player. The cut scene of the Drawf Hunter and his Bear walking to Ironforge ENOUGH SAID

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I’m guessing your probably a liberal?

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How bout you never post again. And dont even read my post.

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Here some tissues for the drool on your chin. You should probably try closing your mouth once in a while. Breathing through your nose would help with that.

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Can someone please tell me how to block this guy? I never want to have to go through the horror of even having to spend 1 sec reading this guys post. Hes the worst.

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Umm… I gave that post a like. Undead,= cold. Really though, it woulda been MUCH better if it had been NORTH END Undeads! Nothing says cold like the Scourge.probably cause of soft palate deterioration.
Sylvanus was Scourge, and an elf and a Hunter. Maybe not the best role-model, but very cool.
I was told to play a hunter with style, with grace, with elan. I said, Huh? They said, “Look, if you ever find yourself kiting Mobs, let’s say, pulling them off a Healer, cause every good hunter, that’s prolly why you don’t know this, every good Hunter knows a Healer is worth more than a Hunter, so when you pull those Mobs onto you to your almost certain death, SMILE.”
I said, ‘yeh? They said, Yeh.’ I said, ‘Can I not try Feign Death?’ They sighed, said to stay next to the Healer, shoot anything that runs up on you, and for a healthy future, make sure Growl is turned OFF till I learned to toggle. Okay, Cool!
the worst kind of people are the kind that are cool with beating the correct answers out of a body. Slippery slope, so on a lighter note, LITERAL is the word. Literally, Undeads would be the coolest, unless it would be Murlocks out of the Tadpole place. They got antifreeze for blood, so that’s colder yet. Are there Murlock Hunters? Sure there are. They even got crabs for pets!

To put this back on topic… coolest race depends on what sorta angle you wanna go with.

For example, the engineer hunter with mechanical pets. Sure, Gobs look amazing, but theres something fun about a Tauren who can find joy in the tech or a Pandaren who learned to hunt by taking apart and putting back together fireworks launchers.

The primal hunter? Trolls of both kinds and the Night Elves. Ones with nature.

The Ranger - not literally one with nature but tamong the elements? Dwarves and Blood Elves. Even Gnomes to an extent, while Goblins rely on big booms, Gnomes find solutions, even if it means taming a beast. Although Gnomes are a good fit for the Engineer too

And thats the thing. There’s no one definite “coolest” race. Do some have stat advantages? Maybe but unless you’re super high end it’ll rarely matter. What matters is your concept and that you have fun with it. Be it as that Troll Engineer eschewing spirituality for sheer firepower, or his Survival Counterpart who is a full on Troll Headhunter straight out of WC3.

Me? This Gobbo is a big game hunter who, instead of having to just rely on what she captures, MADE some better beasts.

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