You’re right, this is probably the place Tyrande was thinking about. However, I don’t believe that they would take over all of Val’sharah. Druids will probably remain completely natural. But the temple and Blackroock hold are places I can see with the Kaldorei banner in the future. This might be the opposite situation with Mag’har in Arathi.
I think it is matters. Highmountain is the largest island zone full of resources, when Suramar is located in the center of the map with the largest port city. Together they control the entire center of the Broken Isles. Making them the greatest force on the islands. Which gives the Horde great sea control in the region. If we talk about control over territory we cannot ignore even those separated from the main lands.
Tanuka in Northrend also seems to be a quite valuable support for the Horde. This is just my example but imagine situation in which, after the strike of Sargeras’s sword, new deposits of Azerite appeared hidden in various places or the threat of new cultists arose. Since the Tanuka are more common aroud, they would have quick noticed these changes, and tell the Horde. which gives them information advantage
If troll civilization were to commit their greatest sins and sacrifice their Loa or cannibalize them, it would create region if not continent spanning biome damaging as seen in Northrend with the Drakkari.
That is assuming game scale with Mam’toths creator, since i believe thats what your referencing, but that was basically him pulling a “if you wanna take me down you’re all coming with me” and destroying his entire temple.
That one is quite easy to answer. The Alliance has led any effort in the world after BFA was over and it isn’t even a close call. Blizzard somehow refuses to use the Horde and their NPCs for anything if it isn’t the faction war. Token Thrall won’t change that really. We see Alleria, Anduin, Jaina and others everywhere because instead of breaking with tolkien tropes the Devs embrace them now means only classical fantasy races get any screen time.
Best druids? Night elves.
best mages? Humans
best technology? dwarfs and gnomes
largest army? Stormwind.
This has gone so bad now that even large content creators noticed how Blizzard constantly ignores the red team and expects us to take orders from the top alliance leadership all the time. Gone are the times when both sides got their own questgivers.
We can truly say BFA killed the Horde and buried it six feet under.
I wager the Court of Farondis and Odyn and his army have some weight to pull too.
Then why are all ER shamans I see latley broken Draenei? It was Nobundo who told us to saefeguard the doomstone not Muln, Thrall or Rehgar.
Bruh you have a spaceship. Nothing can beat that.
Literally the forces of creation at your hand.
got their blueprints from the goblins.
Pretty sure you can’t live in Outland anymore and soon all people there need to flee to Azeroth once it evaporates.
The Taunka still didn’t recover their main settlement so we have to wait til Last Titan for any news. It is true I know at least 3 villages for them currently controlled by the Horde but High Chieftain Icemist is a refugee in Westfall Camp.
The Windtotem Tribe is now lead by a radical Tauren called Tam Windtotem who already said he will eradicate the centaurs if they harm his people.
Was lame. A bunch of noname NPCs nobody cares about. The Draenei heritage felt so much better considering even Akama showed up there. I envy the Draenei and them making Azeroth their home without a crappy land like Durotar bar and wasted of resources.