Which faction has more influence on the world?

What does the geopolitical situation on Azeroth look like at the time of TWW? I’m talking about Alliance and Horde owning territory/resources/allies situation. I want to see how, which of them has influence on the world. I also don’t remember all the lore and details, so if I missed something, please mention it.

Alliance is winning in Eastern Kingdom. Southshore and Arathi Highland were taken by Humans. The dwarven clans are finally united. The Worgen have reclaimed Gilneas. At this point, only the Gnomes seem to be in the bad position from Alliance races there. Still not regained Gnomeregan. The Blues also gained a new stronghold in the north of the EK, but more on that in a moment. Quel’thalas were not affected by the war. The Forsaken are in a worse situation, Most of the BFA battles take place on their territory, but they take back the land of Lordaeron, Regained the most important point on the map, is their small victory.

On Kalimdor, the Horde clearly won. They already controlled most of the continent. In heritage quest, the orcs began to try rebuild natural resources, which had long been one of their greatest weaknesses. I know they also control certain parts of Ashenvale. The arrival of Mag’har and Vulpera only strengthened their presence in middle Kalimdor. Trolls and goblins seem to be in a good place, especially Darkspear thanks to the new loa’s and the alliance with the Zan’dalari. Tauren, like Blood elves, seemed to nothing lose or win over the years. Draenei are planning to build a proper city which may involve increasing population due to Lightforged and Man’ari joining the society. The night elves are probably the biggest losers on the continent. Teldrassil not exist. Darkshore is in ruins and Ashanvale is greatly damaged. But, the mention of rebuilding their lands such as Felwood gives them hope.

As for the Azeroth islands, we know that the Alliance take back Kul’Tiras when the Horde got Zandalar. Broken isles mostly belong to the Horde. HighMountain and Suramar give the Horde a significant advantage on the Isles. If I understand correctly, the druids of Val’sharah seem to remain neutral. The only organization more affiliated with Alliance is the Wardens in their Vault, which now apparently they also resides in Tomb of Sargeras.

The Dragon Isles are definitely a win for Alliance. Amirdrassil is a huge symbol of this. While the dragons themselves are mostly neutral, I can’t imagine them letting Amirdrassil be destroyed no matter what, in any scenario. Green dragons are close friends with Night Elves. Malygos seems to have a crush on Jaina again. His close friendship with Kirin tor/Khadgar gives me a strong Alliance vibe. The only Horde presence we have there is Ebonhorn, who is very associated with the High Mountain.

Khaz Algar is obvious Alliance coded. C’mon this is another dwarfen kingdom. Even if Dorangal seemed neutral at first, they made a significant bond with the Bronzebeard family. Magni became the savior of Earthen, when Dagran discovered the titan secrets with machine speaker Brinthe. Hallowfall belong mostly to half-human, light worshipers, as we see, they get along well with humans and blood elves.

In Pandaria, the Horde has allies in Hozen and the Alliance in Jinyu. Even though the Pandaren are mostly neutral, the Horde has a special bond with Chen Stormstout, who is quite a prominent figure there.

In Northrend, the Horde officially have friendly relationship with the Tanuka, I don’t know if the Alliance has a similar relationship with any other race there.

Is there any more information about the presence or connection of factions especially in Pandaria, Northrend or other places than I forgot to mention, pleace remind me.

So what both factions gained over the years?

Orgrimmar seems to be the greatest force on Kalimdor, even without the help of outside allies. The location of Zandalar and the Broken Isles between Northrend and Pandaria gives them great control and knowledge over the movement of ships between main continents.

The Alliance controls most of the EK, but the Horde numbers are not as bad as situation of the NE and draenei. Lordaeron gonna be rebuilt and Blood Elves are still a powerful force. Despite this, Alliance appear to be slowly surrounding EK. Kul’tiran and Bel’ameth tighten circle around the Elves and undead.

Which shows how, the Horde seems to have the upper hand in the more open seas and Kalimdor while the Alliance seems to focusing forces on the eastern shores.

The problem with balance begins with the appearance of Khaz Algar. The Earthen own the land between Pandaria and Kalimdor, which was neutral territory before. Even without ships, they are a thorn in the Horde’s back. I know, I know, some say it’s a ''neutral, land. But let’s be honest if the red vs blue war breaks out again. The Khaz’algar government certainly prefers to aid of the Bronzebard family, who at this point should look like saviors in the eyes of Earthen.

I don’t know where Undermine is supposed to be on the map, but it would be funny if they placed the city between pandaria and EK, which I doubt, but it would fix the inbalance of forces.

Undermine is supposed to be way down below the Isle of Kezan. Which would place it near in the south seas, nearer the coast of the Barrens than anywhere else.


The thread title’s question is hard to answer, because the Horde has done barely anything since BFA ended. We see Alliance characters out and about, interacting with the world, leading initiatives and battles, while Horde characters follow around as token representatives.

So, it REALLY makes it feel like the Alliance has more influence on the world.

In practicality, however, I don’t think there would be enough difference between them in terms of global influence as to matter. Were the Horde to be presented as more active with the narrative, it wouldn’t feel as if they were completely absent from everything all the time.


Depends entirely on what timeframe and region you are talking about. There is always something going on at various points that has major geopolitical impact.

Just depends on where you look and your particular perspective. The past couple of expacs have been about non-factional stuff driving the true underlying primary story.

But if you look at the B-Plot stuff going on at any given moment, there’s stuff going on with both factions.

Also something to keep in mind, the time jump between DF and TWW literally glossed over one of the biggest geopolitical events in recent WC history. The marriage of the effective ruler of Quel’thalas (Regeant Lord Lor’themar Theron) to the current effective ruler of Suramar (First Arcanist Thalyssra).

That’s a pretty significant geopolitical event. Unfortunately we didn’t get to see it in-game because Blizz decided to do a 5 year time skip.

Edit: I mean literally half of the Elven societies, reunifying fully on multiple levels is pretty significant. Just as major as the non-Silvermoon High Elves rejoining the main Night Elven society. And that’s entirely Horde side.

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Yes, but on the other hands Horde gained significant political friendships and importance in earlier exspansions. As I mentioned, the last pandaren we saw was surrounded by horde characters. Or the Yokai tribe from Northrend officially stating that they belong to the horde, I don’t remember any race from Northrend mentioning that they belong to the alliance. Even such small information shows a certain prejudice and state of these political forces in the region

It will certainly increase the importance of both countries on the international arena. Not to mention the improvement of the problem with low population and the development of magic.

we’re still lucky to got a short story. Blizzard could only give us some text about wedding in ,Stay and Listen’

alliance has been a declining force since the dark portal opened

Probably the Alliance, especially if you scrutinize about 80% of Azeroth’s “neutral” factions. Although there’s something to be said for the Horde’s ability to retain its hegemony and standing with those factions despite starting and losing world wars whenever a new lead writer decides it’s time to put the war back into… you know.

The Horde’s more ambitious recruitment drive since TBC has demonstrably expanded its influence, though. It’s ironic that Thrall’s haven for the outcast has gone on to recruit kingdoms and empires while the storied nations of the Alliance have joined hands with no few refugees and exiles.

Over in Kalimdor the Horde is pretty much uncontested, as the Kaldorei are fairly well exhausted, their infrastructure is in ruins, and their leadership has left to live under the protection of the dragons on the other side of the world—Which is not exactly a move that projects power.

The Draenei are mostly just… the isles they landed on in TBC.

The EK are more of a mixed bag. The Horde has fairly good control of much of the north, but that has waned a little with Strom being restored… inexplicably they allowed the orcs to rebuild the same fortress they were using the attack from in the fourth war, though… so that is kinda negated. Effectively absolutely no one won the highlands battle front, and the whole thing was kinda pointless. Which sort of sums up BFA now that I consider it.

Central and some of southern EK is alliance dominated.

The Alliance.


They hold a foot in every major cosmic category & other power-house FAR more than the Horde, by leagues. The Horde don’t hold a candle to the Alliance, the Alliance took it like they would from a Kobold.

  • The Light? Lightforged Draenei
  • The Void? Void Elves.
  • Life? Night Elves
  • Death? Kul’Tirans (Drust) AND the Alliance-aligned Forsaken (Darkfallen)
  • Fel & Disorder? Man’ari.
  • Arcane & Order? Human Potential, far superior to any elf according to the story.
  • The Elements? Dark Iron Dwarves.
  • Technology? Aside from the gnomes and mechagnomes, which you could argue may or may not still be in equal standing to the Goblins — You also have the Draenei & Man’ari who have vast SPACESHIP knowledge … Clearly that W goes to the Alliance.

Like the Horde’s Forsaken can’t even hold a flickering ember to the Alliance in comparison to dark magics or even that of death anymore – The undead are practicing at childsplay and are nothing but mere pissants in comparison with one another now. :joy:

The Alliance hold the crown in both dark magics, light magics and are superior in all other magics.

Arcane and magic in general?

You can’t even argue that the Horde hold the best arcane or magic because of the Nightborne or Blood Elves either … Suggesting otherwise is clown foolery, because as evidently seen by the story, both are equally or surpassingly outmatched by …

That’s right! ~

:sparkles: HuMaN POTENTIAAAAL! :sparkles:

The writing has made the Horde an embarrassment at this point in time, honestly the only awkward embarrassing factor the Alliance holds is how they managed to be kept at a stalemate during the 4th war until they finally brokered a “truce”

Although even with that said, the Horde lost its Warchief, both Warfronts, replaced its system of government, and its most visible leadership is solidly pro-Alliance – so it’s safe to say that in the end, team-blue came out ahead there too. lol

So in terms of what faction has more influence on the world? …

I’m going to say the one that hasn’t had its government reformed several times, holds far more naval influence due to not having most of it blown up – has spaceships and hold the kingpin status in just about every cosmic & power field. :slight_smile:

Look as much as I love the Horde & the lore of the Blood Elves — The Alliance didn’t even save a slice of cake for the Horde, they ate the whole thing.


According to the recent audio short, the Mag’Har have moved into Arathi and had enough numbers to crush the Stromgardi when newcomer Marran Trollbane made her ill advised attack.

The Forsaken still have most of Hillsbrad, Silverpine and had occupied Alterac per the last we heard of the region from BFA. To the best of my knowledge we haven’t heard about the Hinterlands since Cata but it ends with the Revantusk claiming the capitol city of Jintha’Alor. And to the north the Forsaken still hold Andorhal.

So while the Alliance still have majority stake in the EK as a whole the North is still pretty contested.

On paper at least.

None of this will matter until the zones are actually revisited in game. And when that happens whatever they told us about the place will probably mean diddily squat. Like the Bloodfang were said to hold Fenris but last we saw it the Scarlets had it. So what happened there? Odds are we’ll never know.


I think you’re getting confused Ar’gorok was the Horde base for the Arathi Warfront Hammerfall is much further to the East and was never taken. With Southshore retaken per exploring EK, im guessing post battle before the armistice was signed they moved through Thoridins wall and started into Hillsbrad just bypassing Hammerfall. It would make sense Hammerfall is located far to the east up against the mountains and has no port or way to resupply and would be a waste of time in the broader Lordaeron campaign

As a Massive Horde Fan, I’m going to disagree with your premise. I think your missing some key pieces of lore and Context.

But to Answer your question The Faction with the upperhand right now is the Alliance and its not even a debate.

We need to keep in mind that right now the Horde lost both The Cataclysm Wars and the 4th War with the former resulting in a civil war among the Orcs and Orgrimmar Cracked. The Forsaken Navy got destroyed in Stormheim and the Golden fleet got dealt a critical blow when the Alliance Sacked Dazar’alor.

To you’re point about Kalimdor, (disregarding exploring Kalimdor as it has many many lore breaking issues) When the Horde took the North it was a grind and almost failed against a largely unmanned Night elves as their army was in the south ( this is from the Novella a good war) This left the Army largely in tact and we saw them strike back as the army of the black moon and cut a bloody swath back into N.Kalimdor. they won darkshore and we know by the time of the armistice they controlled at least parts of ashenvale and all of mt hyjal. I wouldn’t be surprised if the border was back at the mor’shan rampart and the southfury river. head cannon but no way Tyrande signs unless her borders are pre war. We also know that the Horde while controlling central Kalimdor largely has not settled the land and lack arriable land for farming and a mature industrial capacity. They also have to contend with Northwatch pointing a dagger right at the horde underbelly.

In Lordaeron We saw alliance gains in Stromgarde, south shore and gilneas. While the Forsaken have had their power reduced. The mag’har now control half of Arathi but they lack a port to connect with the wider world.

This is All in a backdrop to a largely untouched Stormwind and Ironforge who have only grown stronger with the Dwarven clans reuniting and an Alliance with Shadowforge. The Kul’Tirin Navy while damaged from the Naga is still relatively intact. The gnomes have united with the mechagnomes and have been resettling in Mechagon as their kingdom.

This is not to say that things have been easy for them but they have the industrial capacity, the logistics and the territory to have a serious advantage over the Horde. This is reflected in game with the Alliance winning both warfronts, Horde cities being sacked, the horde seemingly still lacking in racial leaders. Alliance Hero’s at the forefront of every expansion, and Alliance forces being the backbone of saving Azeroth while the Horde is more like a junior partner.

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Don’t forget we have:

  • Revantusk tribe (The Hinterlands)
  • Dragonmaw clan (Twilight Highlands)
  • Mag’har Clans (Arathi Highlands)

Horde is well implemented in Eastern Kingdom too. We need to not forget these clans and tribes are a part of the Horde.

Forsaken will have their capital city back. It’s just a question of time. Also, Tirisfal Glades are still a Horde area and they begin to rebuild since SL.

Felwood is useless in this state. They should rebuild Darkshore and Ashenvale first. Also they should (and must) make Hyjal their (new) capital again because it’s their first capital in Kalimdor after Teldrassil so they must come back in their true capital in Kalimdor when Bel’ameth is a village (and not a capital) for the ones who want to make a “break” or to “recharge one’s batteries”.

Feralas is the only area for Night Elves without damages (don’t forget Horde is in Feralas too), Hyjal should be the second one when the Night Elves will be back in their true capital.

Also I don’t the Stonemaul clan here for the Dustwallow Marsh because Theramore is destroyed now, so only Horde in this area.

Not sure about this but I don’t know if it’s an Alliance area. I know Chronicles 4 says some things about it but not about being an Alliance area now.

Yes, Val’sharah is neutral and some druids “work” with the Nightborne too.

Amirdrassil is more an area for the ones who want to make a “break” or to “recharge one’s batteries”. Not sure if it’s a big win for the Alliance (we will see with the time).

But they have no preference for Alliance or Horde and they are neutral. They don’t care about the areas controlled by the Alliance or the Horde and they aren’t a part of these two factions.

Taunka are well implemented in Northrend. Frostborn Dwarves are Alliance but they are only in Storm Peaks when Taunka are can be found in Grizzly Hills, Howling Fjord, Dragonblight and Storm Peaks.

In Outland, we also have Alliance and Horde areas.

  • Nagrand with the Kurenai
  • Nagrand and Hellfire Peninsula with the Mag’har Orcs
  • Blade’s Edge Mountains with the Mok’nathal clan

We have Earthen in the both factions. Only the Earthen with a faction are in this way. Khaz Algar doesn’t care. It will be like for the Pandaren in we have a war again.

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Influence or impact?

The Horde has the single-most impact on the world. A look at the maps of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdom shows the impact the Horde makes; Teldrassil, Azshara, Ashenvale, Darkshore, Stonetalon Mountains, Dustwallow Marsh, Gilneas, Hillsbrad Foothills, Alterac, and the Arathi Highlands all are physical reminders to one degree or another of the impact the Horde has.

But influence isn’t the same thing. The Horde can smash and blight and burn, but when the dust settles, they too end up following the Alliance’s lead. Whether it’s to overthrow the latest corrupt warchief or banding together under a mostly Alliance lead to fight off the latest world-ending apocalypse, the Horde ends up tagging along with the Alliance. And when it comes to the unalligned factions of the world, it’s the Alliance’s ball that the Horde is just allowed to play with.

The Argent Crusade, Cenarion Circle, the Kirin Tor, and so on are all neutral, but have heavy Alliance leanings, if not formerly Alliance themselves. The dragonflights have more interactions with the Alliance than the Horde. The earthen of Khaz Algar only really deal with other dwarves. The final battle against the Legion was led by the leader of the drainos, and the brother of one half of the night elf’s leadership.

The Horde has impact. The Alliance has influence.

Blizzard hasn’t found a way to make the Horde work where they’re not either a foil for the Alliance or playing second banana to them. On a meta level, it feels like the Alliance has far more influence in the one place it counts most–the writing room.

As of the Kalimdor book, the Nelves held the Rampart.

Eh, they are not that uncontested considering they cant even get rid of the Kul Tirans sitting in their fort in Durotar.

As it is, I suspect the Alliance has tried to maintain its holdings in the Barrens and Northwatch. From what was described in Exploring Kalimdor the night elves have pretty much reclaimed most of their old haunts up to Mogashan Ramparts.

Seems alliance has more dominance now because the horde keep shooting themselves on both feet.

Short-term warchiefs,
The forsaken soon forgotten,
Sad Green jesus preaching about orcish sins,
the Tauren reduced to special-needs.
The Trolls in temp-status for relevancy
Other races.

The horde has been pacified to simply be a skeleton crew.

If anything, the true power and stability i see so far are the Dwarves.

I refuse to believe anything in that book is cannon. Its like oh yup right back to middle of Cata offensive borders. Like how could the Orc and Night elves be at war over Ashenvale and the armistice not be broken or the the Kultirin fort in Durotar be back when it was destroyed in cate questing and dismantled afterwords. Makes 0 sense, it was like the writer just flew over the zone in game and was like yup good enough.