Thats A LOT of lore.
I don’t mean the level of power, but the influence on the world. Void elves are powerful, but provide no lands advantage other than random flying rock in space.
Orcs heritage quest shows, they are slowly revitalizing lands around Durotar. Now they can also take resources from Broken Shore, Quel’thalas or Zandalari, so the lack of supplies becomes a thing of the past.
Interesting how the first two points, quite distant and hidden, give the Horde the chance to create small harbors in the east of EK. As for the Mag’har areas, I don’t know if they are in a good position. Maybe we will get there a possible continuation of faction rivalry in the future.
It’s still the ancient land of the night elves. I’m glad that Blizzard finally remembered about it, but I don’t want the entire zone to be healed. It would be interesting if Tyrande gave this land to Demon hunters. (sorry Maiev…). Recently, Elune has shown that she’s not completely against Fel, so these two powers can coexist.
Hyjal, even if it is more biased to the night elves, will probably remain neutral forever. I would like Bel’ameth to be develop and polished a bit more. This should be reward for 8 years of dealing with the consequences of Teldrassil. And they just gave us a copy paste of Nordrassil with the Val’sharah building.
Maiev is still the head of the Wardens, who are all night elves, so Vault is Alliance organization. The tomb is the former temple of Elune, so who knows, maybe with Aegwynn help, they try to rebuild it.
and I’ll be honestly, the first rooms of the raid (except legion) are something I was hoping to see in Amirdrassil. THE Peak Elune Fantasy. Temples dedicated to the moon full of elegance, grace, arcane, nature and night themes. What we got was created only with druids in mind, ignoring the rest of kaldorei culture and most strangely, the influence of Elune herself.
Despite this, we have a large presence of Sentinels troops there. The Horde has nothing like this on the entire island. If they created a port there, it would be of great importance to Alliance. New trade center and they would have a lot of control over the horde’s movements between Northrend and EK.
Thanks, I forgot about them but I still think Horde has more influence there. As you mentioned, Tanuka can be found throughout all Northrend, which gives them a significant advantage over Frostborn
I’m not too interested in other planets or dimensions, but there is no doubt that the entire Outland is more close to the Horde
yep, probably. however, the Earthens owe a huge debt of gratitude to Magni. they created a friendship between Dagran and Moira during the quests. The Pandaren are not that close to any faction. If wow were more realistic, Earthen hearing about Bronebeard in danger, they would definitely come to help
I mean, power holds influence over the world.
Especially relevance and significance held in the story of Blizzard’s writing …
As for influence over the world:
- I’d wager with the multiple-facet cosmic forces the Alliance has over the Horde — The Alliance would be able to trade with all manners of individuals & beings, whereas their opposed faction would have a much harder time.
- Additionally with such a superior status on these various powers, one could state any dogfight war or stalemate will eventually be broken and won by the Alliance with such a monopoly on said-forces — Them winning every single warfront despite whatever reasoning Blizzard want to provide, rather emphasizes such.
- The Night Elves new world tree holds portals that go over a few different various areas in Kalimdor and with their connection to the Alliance — They essentially hold long-distance travel of information & select individuals which can help amplify diplomatic matters, further improving their influences.
… And lets not forget the Alliance have a spaceship.
I’d say the Alliance having influence over Azeroth, in terms of the races they hold, the technology they hold, the cultures they hold and the monopoly of themes, aesthetics & cosmic forces they hold — EASILY makes them the kingpin faction of Azeroth.
maybe you’re right on some points but…
I can’t get the impression that you exaggerated a bit with this comparison. How the Kul’tirans (who are de facto druids) and the forsaken Alliance (?) have greater power over death than Forsaken, who have been creating new undead and plagues since the beginning of their existence, last time seem to be on friendly terms with Maldraxxus and learning from them .
Elements? Orcs, Tauren and Trolls are the leaders in this topic, they are the core of the Earthen ring.
technology? Blood elves, Mag’har and Nightborne seem quite developed. Didn’t Xal’atah ask The goblins to repair Dark heart? Isn’t this show the level of their capabilities?
Void elves and LF Draenei are powerful but come at cost. These are the least numerous races. They are the only Allied races that do not give their faction any lands compared to Highmountain and Nightborne who gave the Horde advantage on the entire broken shore
A portal held by one or two lone mages, who are an easy target for any assassin. If they want these portals to be stable, they should use portals similar to the emerald dream ones or place guards and dragons near it.
A ship they haven’t used even once since the Legion. The Horde has an intercontinental cannon that apparently poses a threat to Stormwind, but they haven’t used it either. I would like both things to be used to the advantage of the factions, but for now they are lying and rusting.
The Alliance:
- Kul’Tirans have their de facto druidism from the Drust who are experts in the druidism on the cycle of death
- As for the Alliance Forsaken, I was regarding the Darkfallen / San’layn Elves that are on the Alliance … If you’re a Void Elf you can even make your skin undead + eyes red and the same goes for Night Elves So undead aren’t necessarily limited to the Forsaken (Horde).
The Horde
- As for the Horde’s Forsaken “creating new undead” — No they WERE creating new undead, with the Val’kyr … They lost all their Val’kyr. They’re not making jack squat now.
- The Plague is more alchemy than anything regarding death or undeath.
The Forsaken are a shadow of their former self, they’re nothing but glorified zombies with free will now.
And ultimately:
You could say that both factions are equally matched with their Death Knights, although one could argue Alliance hold the top tier with that too since the former Lich King is now free-willed and probably more keen on rocking with the Alliance … That combined with their Darkfallen + Drust knowledge, surpass the Horde’s pathetic attempt at holding the kingpin status on the death aesthetics & the themes of undeath.
As for the rest:
I already addressed most of that stuff in other comments further above — Save except the intercontinental cannon part, that supposedly held threat to Stormwind; which honestly seems like a bluff at best, given Garrosh would’ve most likely used it if such was actually the case.
Drust is notpure death magic, they’re in limbo between life and death and posed a real threat to the shadowlands. At most, they derive PART of their power from deaths.
are you talking about dark ranger skin? 90% of this organization are elves following sylvanas, and they are in Horde. Void elves are just a group of a few mages, so darkfallen void elf should be counted on one hand. Remember that Horde also canonically has Dark ranger Night elves. I still hate and don’t understand this decision at all.
And what group of San’layn joined the Alliance? they are not the same as darkfallen
Are you sure? the plague created undead without Valkyr. Sylvanas herself, although strengthened by Jailer, resurrected the dead during the siege of Lordaeron. besides, Blizzard won’t let one of the playable races become extinct (I mean they want worgen extinction so who knows), so in the world rework they will definitely find a way to create new forsaken
no matter what, no race can surpass the Forsaken in the aestehtic and theme of death. It doesn’t matter what arguments you give, it’s impossible
you’re kinda overestimating Vindicaar. Yes, it can fly in space, but each faction has way faster portals to other planets and dimensions. As for his combat abilities, the only thing he achieved was the destruction of one gate nothing gamechanging
I can see we’re at an impasse and we’re just going to go in circles, especially with lore nuance, story juggles and shifting through the retcons & re-writes BFA + SL implemented, so I’m going to simply say lets agree to disagree
If we’re going to compare super weapons, at least organize and list them by racial and faction lines.
No matter how you list it, Trolls almost have everyone beat by wide margins considering every single one of their Loa is an inert nuclear weapon.
Eh. Maybe that would count for something if they could weaponize them against other people, but sadly the loa bombs only ever take out troll lives.
The only thing standing between loa and death is an NPC offering me some pocket change and used undies.
And used lint. For…scientific reasons of course. Only than shall the murdering of a loa commence
I don’t know that the Earthen would pick Alliance.
But apparently the people that deal with a crisis on behalf of the whole world are 90% people from Alliance backgrounds, so clearly the Alliance has more influence.
And it must be belly button lint.
Which is funny because based on the book they wrote before they made that stupid lore like Amirdrassil they actually seemed to mostly take things back over. Lmao which may have just been blizzards writer just making the in-game version modern. But somehow that guy who had Zekhan talk about the dark portal being in Azshara seemed to fundamentally understand them better than anyone involved in writing the Dream storyline lmao.
What do you mean? I’m no expert on Loa topic, but most of them don’t seem world changing powerful. (and from what I see almost all wild gods don’t care about any war until fights enters their territories) do you have any particular group or individual in mind?
At the first meeting, Magni appears to be recognized as a thraegar, an important figure in their culture, later he saves the dormant Earthens from Void corruption.
Moira helps with the island’s internal problems. Like the reconciliation of Baelgrim and Adelgonn.
Dagran and Brinthe discover the secrets of Azeroth and Titans together.
Brann runs all over the island and helps wherever he can.
They share common origins and part of their culture with our dwarves.
I think the friendship they have formed with the Bronzebeard family will be important if Ironforge will ever be in danger. No other neutral race is so one pro-fraction minded. Which was even a part of the criticism of this race (funnily enough, most Earthen players are Horde.)
You’re talking about influencing the story, not the world. (I know the two are inextricably linked together, but let’s step away from the main story for a moment) Look at Legion, most of the stuff there was focused on Alliance, but in the end it was the Horde that gained more territorial influence thanks to Highmountain and Nightborne.
In Northrend, the Horde has official Tanuka allies in every corner. When Alliance has friends in only one zone.
didn’t Tyrande say that she was going to repair the destroyed (i.e. reclaimed) lands on kalimdor after 10.2? so they are under Kaldorei control.
Wait, in Malfurion return cinematic, when Tyrande mentions all places they are supposed to protect (in the context of their lands), she mentioned Val’sharah, doesn’t that mean Tyrande want to officially add these forest to the Kaldorei lands?
A lot of them get along with the Bronzebeards. But the Bronzebeards are only a tiny part of the Alliance. And the people that have met then are only part of the Earthen. And, in any case, it is quite common for people to like individuals from groups they don’t want to align with.
And the vibe I get from them as a whole shows no particular interest in the Alliance as group. They just see both factions as “outsiders”. And give that their members are working with both sides.
That territorial influence, and ten bucks will get your Starbucks coffee.
I don’t see what it has ever done to give the Horde involvement in world affairs.
didn’t Tyrande say that she was going to repair the destroyed (i.e. reclaimed) lands on kalimdor after 10.2? so they are under Kaldorei control.
For some reason i remember that being specific to Teldrassil? Maybe im misremembering… but then WHY DIDN’T YOU PUT THE TREE ON KALIMDOR OR JUST LET ALL THE WISPS OUT OF THE SEED TO HEAL IT THEN LMAO
Geopolitically speaking the Alliance basically ruled the world after the end of the Fourth War. The Horde had lost nearly all of its influence on the Eastern Kingdoms save for a handful of scattered fortifications and Quel’thalas which was easily contained. There were no more territorial checks on the Alliance. If they ever decided to finish off the Horde the Horde would have nowhere to rally a counteroffensive.
But then they just let the Forsaken waltz back into Lordaeron without demanding any concessions and so they lost that dominance overnight.
Maybe they just have a lot of confidence in their plants like Baine, Calia, Thrall and Gazlowe who are more than willing to sellout their people’s pride to appease the Alliance.
Wait, in Malfurion return cinematic, when Tyrande mentions all places they are supposed to protect (in the context of their lands), she mentioned Val’sharah, doesn’t that mean Tyrande want to officially add these forest to the Kaldorei lands?
I mean, it makes sense. The druids might be neutral (with heavy night elf leanings), but the temple of Elune full of priestesses of Elune certainly isn’t (I mean, beyond for game purposes). And then there’s the coastal Gilneans too, who probably wouldn’t mind being connected with their Gilnean brethren. And I’m sure the night elves wouldn’t mind returning to Black Rook Hold and clearing out the bad so they can reinhabit it.
The Alliance wins again!