Which do you prefer? Horde or Alliance?

For the sake of story I will always be Horde first as the ability to incur a higher body count than Alliance is greater.

Though I do admire the Alliance for some of their ways. Mostly their human based armors. Seems more rounded than cold-weather based themes Horde armor seems to incur for plate.

I prefer Alliance because I’m a big fan of the Light as a concept and I feel overall we have a closer connection to it.

I probably have a small Scarlet Crusade streak to me also, which I keep under wraps… mostly.

-Big bara Taurens and Orcs with OwO what’s this bulge uwu
-Minorities banding together to survive against the status quo warriors of the alliance
-No sense of delusional superiority like the alliance.
-Oh horde is also better in pvp, pve and everything rly now that alliance has become the hello kitty faction

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Those were the old influencers of the alliance, they no longer exist. We haven’t done a similar action since…meanwhile you guys just go back to the old nature of the horde. How many expansions until the horde council go corrupt from the inside out?

Burning vulpera caravans.

That’s fair game, they were aiding the horde and the one big rule of war…if you aid the enemy and try to remain “neutral”, your fair game cause your not neutral. Anything goes in war, specially by your ex warchief’s plague to kill and reanimate the horde soldiers in Lordaeron, right?

I was horde for almost i think 8 years but i cant play in a faction ,that is obvious, that gets everything they want. I dont like to play the faction the it is the child that needs attention.

And their lore just got dumb every expansion so i swap with some frinds to the Alliance and we are enjoying the game more than ever.


So you forfeit theramore being a war crime? As well as teldrassil?

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Precisely… agreed on all 3.


I’m a Legion baby and so I feel like I’ve missed out on what faction should have been the be all.

Instead, everything since Legion has pushed me into both factions if that makes any sense. The war campaign probably made more sense in Vanilla.

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When you only play horde and has the audacity of saying something about Alliance quests.

Alliance has orders of not killing vulperas ; just burn the caravans because they were helping the horde with supplies. Our main focus was just too scared them thats why we just burn the supplies that were going for the horde.

You cant compare anything about the horde is doing ; Horde is an hypocrite faction because if we compare crimes. . . Oh boy i can count with my hand the Alliance ones but horde . . . im gonna need at least a book.


Theramore was a war crime under Garrosh as well as Teldrassil under Sylvannas. They were acts that started a war therefore it wasn’t fair game. The first one who makes a move breaking a treaty or peace opens the “Alls fair in war and love” consequences.

“Just burn teldrassil”

It’s not, because it never claimed to be something it keeps failing to uphold, like the Alliance and their “righteousness”.

Then burning vulpera caravans is a war crime.

Alliance attacked goblin agents in Silithus first. Genn also attacked the Horde during a Legion invasion. Of all things.

even though my first character was alliance i had a horde character on a pvp, some friends joined and they all went horde and i had them join my server.

back then the way i saw the horde was they were the underdogs and hated. the horde were outnumbered greatly even though many of the ppl joining WoW back when it first came out didnt even know that the alliance itself was just as horrible/evil if not more so than the horde in some situations.

i also couldnt stand the half sleepy “for the alliance” every male human npc would give…and then the gnomes…just…gnomes!!! i cant stand their voices or that "oo lets make cutesy characters and make them the good guys deal that a lot of MMOs do… then the NEs everywhere you went was ppl trying to erp.

the dwarf while funny and sometimes cool, i have always felt was some kind of fun poked at my heritage between the bad accent and drinking habits and violent tendencies (while true in a lot of cases…DUDE!!!..not cool!!!) …ok no i was never really offended by that, im not a flake…but still

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Could always go back to using the older voices, might be cheaper.


ITS NOT ? lmfao ; this is not the same horde from vanilla you silly bloodelf.

The races of the horde call each other as family with the new races when most of them will betray their in one second.

Since mop we can see how the horde are not together because they “like” each other. Most of them i can say for sure that will be in the Alliance if they could have a choice.

Imagine if Anduin was the king before the horde is unite ? Do you really think that they will pick the horde ? lmfao. I have seen Baine more in Stormwind than Orgrimar.

The horde only exist because they werent accept in the Alliance but if they had the chance in their moment. . . oh boy.


That entire post is conjecture.

I prefer horde only for the more diverse race options, though alliance has a couple of my favorite races

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Mostly because I’ve always liked the Tauren, but also because going Horde first really showed how big of a lie the whole “The Alliance are good guys” bs was.


I would prefer to be an outcast killing both sides, only time I get to do that is when Nzoth blesses me.


If I have to choose though between only Horde or Alliance, has to be Alliance.