Which do you play WoW for? PvP or PvE?

PvE (though I will jump in a BG sometimes).

If world play required PvP, I would never log into WoW again.

I am from the Everquest MMORPG line, not the Ultima Online - DAoC line

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PvE. PvP is just unbalanced and is basically who can spam the most CC. PvE you actually have to pay attention to allot more

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Well no gear advantage has ever stopped pvers from sucking in pvp and thats a fact :rofl:

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:laughing: the beans part made me literally lol!

If/when I play, it’s PvE.

All of the things

PvE for me. I’ve dabbled with super casual PvP and it’s just not my thing. I don’t hate it, it doesn’t make me rage, I didn’t spend hours getting farmed and vow to never touch it again… it’s just not something I really enjoy.

At least in PvP I know what kills me, so I PvP.

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Was pvp…SL destroyed pvp though, so now im doing a few m+ per week and farming protoform mounts.

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Bit of both at a casual level :smiley:

I mean I could help ya out skill/learning wise :slight_smile:

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I was spending time on a spreadsheet going through each class and listing their offensives and defensives then logging on to an alt to see what those visuals look like. On top of that I have to configure the adds to keep track of those abilities. Also I used to duel frequently in vanilla to wotlk so I knew then what counters what but just fast forward 10 years from my last expansion to shadowlands and the game has changed tremendously.

I’m not going to put down PvP whatever the complaints may be whether it is gearing, class imbalance, whatever. I just need the time and motivation to get into it again. Since I’ve done all the raids from 9.0 to 9.2, that is why I am might be open to doing arena instead in 9.3.

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Me and a friend used to have weaponless fist fights or wand fights back in BC, does that count as pvp?

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Neither…I play to make gold to pay for my game time & ex-pacs

i ashaley surprise my self 1 tim i get a kill on a guy in battlegrond , is diferant i like it but alotta tim i die ALOT LOLHAHAHAH

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PvE. I don’t have time to give some so they can stroke their over geared egos.

PvP. Although, being honest, WoW PvP is at the worst it’s ever been. Still kinda fun as a casual.

I’d PvE again if it wasn’t Mythic + or LFR.

Bring back 10-man normal/heroic raids that people actually do.

Mythic is for people that love self-abuse, no thanks.

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When i do play, a bit of both, but haven’t been as active on PvP lately as i used to be.


usually both, but for SL its PvE.