Which covenant did you choose and why?

Did you choose your favorite covenant or did you choose a different one because of some must-have feature?

My favorite covenant is the Venthyr, but I ended up joining the Night Fae because…




On my alliance main, I chose Night Fae because it was the best fit for a Night Elf priest (lore wise, not covenant ability wise).

On my horde main, I chose Venthyr because I wanted her to be a vampire (even though the covenant ability really sucks for ele – and when I say really sucks, I mean REALLY sucks). But I like her being a vampire.

I then leveled a character for each of the other two just to go through the story. I could never really get into the whole covenant thing. It was too much like a bad rip off of the class hall thing.

As a necrolord warlock, I see plenty of play in heroic raids, 15+s, and PvP.

Demonbolt boi go brrrrr.

My main’s kyrian. I just love the aesthetic style there and sunny atmosphere. It’s very pretty and airy in Bastion, and we can mount in our sanctum.

Between the four I liked it the most.

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i got lucky with my druid. i wanted to be nightfae for the aesthetics. luckily, it was bis for pve content. different bis for different specs in pvp and playstyle. i switched to necro for feral pvp because i liked it more but this was months after release and i had no plan of going back. necro in raid felt terrible.

i would of played the best covenant for my spec regardless of aesthetics. just to be clear. gameplay is more important to me.

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Only because those robotic Amazon Alexa voices never cease to amuse me. They absolutely nailed it with those.

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Depended what I was playing since I don’t have a main and don’t really put time into alts anymore. I usually looked at the covenant ability I could tolerate and place I enjoyed thematically and went with that.

Necrolord on my rogue. I like the idea of sin having another dot.

Smurfs on this guy… being a smurf seems so… not warlocky.


This character is Night Fae. It is the only aesthetic that my character would have chosen. I see no reason to change either. Even if it wasn’t mathematically the best or gets nerfed in 9.2, there is still no reason to change.

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Necrolords has become my favorite for several reasons.

-I like the theme and aesthetics.

-I like the abilities as a BM Hunter.

-Having the Theater of Pain to fight giant beasts and such is fun to do on a daily basis.

-I like the focus on slime stuff, including occasionally summoning a slime to help me in battle thanks to a soul bind.

-I like the concept of building abominations.

That is all I can think of off the top of my head for right now, but there are several other reasons I like the Necrolords. It has just been the most fun covenant to be a part of, and it’ll be my main one for this character.

I’m currently going through over covenants to gain renown and such, but I already miss Necrolords. I look forward to going back to them in the near future! :skull:

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At launch I was Necrolord because I thought it might work out okay, but Fleshcraft was garbage so I flipped to Kyrian because they’re better at everything, for my spec.

Which is unfortunate because the Kyrian are incompetent and stupid, but I’ve just gotten used to rolling on the floor and pointing at them and laughing every time they do something dumb. (Which is most of the time…)

I have a clothie in each covenant. On my leather wearers and mail wearers I choose the ability that will benefit them the most.

Night Fae.
Best covenant for all Lock specs, in all content, and by quite a large margin.

“Your fault, play for fun”
I did. I rolled a Night Fae Shaman. It was horrible and I rerolled because it wasn’t enjoyable.


Because it was mandatory to pick one, otherwise you were not allowed to do anything in the expansion.

Personally would have prefered to stay out of all of them.

But since I had to pick one. Nightfae was the closest thing to something shaman-y.

Necrolords athestic was horrible and nothing but undead, bone and slime themed.

Kirians are just absolute monsters, and I still have done nothing for them.

And the last one I can’t be bothered to learn the name of look dumb and stupid with the over the top gothic vampire vibes.

Nightfae is way to Fairy-like, and not really at all something I’d personally enjoy on a shaman for aesthetic, but it’s a hell of alot better than the other three covenants.

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Pelegos: (cries and whines)
Arbiter: does Arbiter stuff
Pelegos: buuuttt Arbiter!

Three Words: Instant Chain Harvest

The funniest Pelegos thing is the end of the Kyrian 9.0 storyline, where you have to go out to the different parts of Bastion and rally their forces.

So you go to one area, and Pelagos is there because he went ahead to “help”… and he’s having another nervous breakdown and his Doubt manifests and tries to kill you.


Pelagos, please just stay home. Send a Steward instead, they’re mostly competent.


“Xandria, turn on the TV.”
Xandria: “What is a TV??”

I went with Fae…for obvious reasons.

My choice on this character started as a balancing act of making sure I got to see all four covenants, and going with a ‘theme’. I’ve ended up almost rounding the bases though (not NF. I hate Sepsis with a passion), and have decided to go with ‘which covenant feels good to press the button.’ Same thing with my monk, have tried every covenant except venth (the mini monks weirded me out)

Thankfully the cosmetics are mostly unlocked. Bit concerned about soulshapes, why I haven’t gone bonkers unlocking all of them or the crittershapes on my druid. I don’t want to get used to being a corgi in rested areas only to lose it next year.

Some choices for RP. Some for effect.

LIke on the recent revisit to S. priest she went venthyr. More into pvp of late and s. priest gets a fun venthry ability. On cast healer gets confused and heals become damage.

So its been fun watching hero heals as they save that player on last slivers of HP become that final bit of damage that this kills the target.

Venthyr liked for hunters too. I like its fire and forget nature. Press the button and go. Kyrian and fae I have as well but that is place a circle and now “work” lol.

Druid is fae for convoke from season 1. Also RP. Can’t see a druid anywhere else but that’s me.