Which covenant did you choose and why?

Google >> raider io shadowlands season 2 ‘’ specs ‘’ >> i watch what the top 10 have >> i juge what is the best for me between 2 covenants


Definitely the glowy blue soulshape.
And the Hunt.
And the whole surreal forest aesthetic.



My first covenant for my healer, I got lucky. She chose Maldraxus - which turned out to be the best covenant. Then I needed to tank, so I found a path to go for the best covenant for my DH from an RP perspective.

Now my guild has moved to horde and I need to choose a covenant. I want to go team bitey-boi… but it is the worst covenant for my spec. Now, of course, I’ve experienced 3 of the 4 covenants, and have a feel for when the covenants mesh well with the spec… so I don’t really want to throw that ability away, and as I’m not invested in Horde I’m less pressed to be genuine in character expression.

I hate that they tied power to theme. It never should have been done and the covenants are less enjoyable for it from my perspective. So stiff-necked angel blue crew it is. :confused:

I haven’t chosen any as I have no plans of ever completing Shadowlands. I’ve never hated an expansion of WOW until Shadowlands. I have no incentive to finish Revendreath so that I can chose a covenant. Level 60 is good enough for me on this expansion. I’ll continue to play my alts up to level 50 and enjoy the parts of the game that are fun to me. Hopefully next expansion will get away from the afterlife theme.

My main Druid I took Necro because I wanted a button to press every 30 seconds for a dmg spell. My other Guardian Druids I took fae because of the ‘everything button’ even though it’s a 2 min CD.

Every other toon I choose based on wowhead. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Resistance… would be ill-advised.

When I first started Shadowlands on another character I chose Ardenweald because I loved the theme and music. It was an RP choice, that luckily fit the meta and covenant ability cool factor.

For this character I chose bastion, this time because covenant ability cool factor, and then RP reasons. I would have considered Ardenweald again if not the clunkiness of paladin covenant ability.

Both cases I didn’t look at meta too much. But then again both times my choices fit the meta, so I’m not sure how would I feel if meta was against my preferences.

  1. All of them

  2. Altoholic

Simple as that.

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Honestly??? Necros because I got a look at that intial set for cloth an plate and fell in love with it.I got drawn in even more. My chars are 80% Necro and well it just feel like home there. Well that and the flying hand slapping ability , I get a kick out of using it.

There’s a couple I have in Vyn for mostly the gear. Love the initial shaman mail gravestone set and also because with that char name for that one, the title Baron sounded better with his name.

For my first few characters I chose for aesthetic and enjoyment reasons. What looked good, what felt good. I’d already decided to main a DK this expansion, and then when they unveiled the necrolord plate sets, my choice was settled. That design is amazing.

As I make my way through my alts to unlock all the armor sets I’m still trying to choose characters that feel thematically “right” for each covenant. But that can be tough, so I’m mostly just filling in the gaps at this point. Mag’har hunter necrolord for instance. That’s pretty arbitrary.

I primarily based my decision on what covenant wasn’t bad for whatever specs I wanted to play and then chose between powers for playstyle choice. Then I assigned an alt to each covenant so I got to experience them all. It was disappointing that there wasn’t unique storylines for each. There are things to like about each covenant and don’t think I care strongly enough one way or another to pick a favorite or least favorite.

I went with the best performing. NF for hunter. Kyrian for pally. I can use all the mounts since I leveled all the covenants to 80 on my hunter. If kyrian becomes bis for hunters I’ll switch to that again. I would actually prefer kyrian since their transportation network is by far the best.

I have at least one in each covenant. Most are Night Fae and I choose that for most alts now. I think I have three in Venthyr, one Necro and one Kyrian. Kyrian is the only one I haven’t completed the campaign though as it requires the dungeon run. Anytime I think about queuing to get it over with I realize I have something better to do and never end up doing it. :laughing: Wish they would remove that dungeon requirement at this point in the expansion.

My first few characters chose covenants that made sense to their own stories. My BE Death Knight went Kyrian because had Arthas not raised her, she would likely have gone there. My Warlock’s mother was in Darnassus when it burned. Her and my Druid went to Ardenweald and Bastion looking for her. I have a Priest with the Venthyr looking for the father he never knew.

In total I have four Kyrian, two Night Fae, and a Venthyr. The Necrolord thing holds little appeal for me.

Kyrian is my favourite. Of all the zone stories this is the one I find most appealing when you take the time to look under the surface. And I absolutely adore Stewards and can’t get enough of them (The Kyrian ones, not the corrupted ones. I can’t kill those things fast enough).

The Night Fae are ok, but I can’t get too invested in their story although I’ve enjoyed getting some more backfill on Darnassus and what happened there.

The Venthyr I’ve just gotten started on and I’m actually pleasantly surprised. What could easily have been presented as one dimensional semi-evil vampire knock offs actually seem like decent people with a rather difficult job.

I have alts in each covenant. I chose some in 9.0 that I should really change after they get to 60. But that is a different issue.

Of 60s, Venthyr two and kyrian two.

I have two alts in necro and the rest are all night fae, but I wish one of those were kyrian. May change later, but down the road since the grind is too much.

Nailed it for me. Ya know, "MEANINGFUL CHOICES