Which computer do I buy?!?

I visited a few Frys out in California. They were nice store but like you said went the way of Circuit City, The Wiz, Crazy Eddie, HH Greg, etc., etc.,

It’s kind of sad though, despite the “wonder” of going to big brick and mortar stores (Bass Pro Shops especially, with their ponds and tanks with actual fish in them, multi-story shopping, etc) that when we didn’t find what we wanted my son and I spent 5 minutes on the desktop finding a better solution to our reel issues from Amazon.

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I have a mall by me that I had to get some clothes for my daughter. 1) most of the clothes stores don’t really carry “clothes”. Not sure what that stuff is. 2) Place was dead compared to when I was a kid. 3) it was closing at 8pm and half the stores closed at 7pm. Ended up just ordering online.

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Yep mom takes core of ordering clothes for the kids. Sometimes we go to Old Navy which still has a ton of clothes.

But mostly for me these days I dress up dad style…completely 100% furnished by Costco

Costco clothes kick butt

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I got these eddie bauer flannel lined jeans for $9.97 on clearance there…they are PERFECT fishing jeans

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I wear my Eddie Bauer flannel hoodie all the time, plus I got the kids Eddie Bauer PJ’s and winter jackets from them every year. FYI, Costco has licensing deals with clothing brands to make many of the clothes in their own factories (it’s why many of the tags look alike) and they only mark up the clothes 15-18% so if you get them on sale or clearance (any price ending in .97) you are paying below cost.

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