Which Class in FF is all about the build up?

Red Mage is pretty similar.

ATM Red mage and Samourai are my 2 interested class from what I read.

If we go with the tank, how would people class the tank if we only judge their aoe and st dps rotation ?

Yes we do but I’m to knew to FF to answer this question.

I know that Samurai is the only pure Mele DPS and I think that job is all about the huge damage.

Like I said I’m only lvl 27 with a Lancer. I’ll go Dragoon at 30 and I know that that job hits slow but like a semi truck.

Just wanted to add at top level it goes even further. Getting the full melee combo off activates a top-power version of one of your low-level white/blue spells, and then using one of those activates the top-power version of your basic “both” spell, which hits for the highest dmg on Red Mage.

There’s a few melee types:

  • Dragoon (hits like a truck but can get locked into an attack animation when you need to dodge ^^)
  • Monk (reliant on positioning)
  • Ninja (stabby rogue type with Naruto style magic)
  • Samurai (One of the two hardest hitting dps in the game but offers no party utility besides heavy output)

They’re all fun and feel pretty unique.

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What do you think about the tanks ? I feel like I might wanna tank in FF but I love dynamic rotation and fun AOE rotation for tanks

I’ve not tried tanking as much as I have healers - only paladin and gun breaker. I’ve seen them all in action though.

  • Paladin is rock solid. VERY durable. It’s a tank’s tank.
  • Gunbreaker is DPS as tank. The rotation feels more like a DPS one: active and fun. Seems durable as well.
  • Dark Knight seems to be one of those tanks that thrives in the hands of a good player. If it’s played well? Joy to heal. If played badly? Health seems to bounce up and down a lot. It has probably the best class story in the entire game.
  • Warrior seems good but a bit reliant on timing to be effective. If you slip up things can go wrong (or… seem to).

Again, though. You can play ALL of these one one toon AND dps and heal. ^^ If you play it try a few and see which one appeals to your play style.

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Probably BLM in regards to being like boomkin. You have a damage cycle and a recovery cycle, and you are just a turret.

Every other job has some sort of secondary resource that builds up and you spend.

Paladin feels mostly like a prot warrior defensively, but its DPS cycle is a nuke phase and physical/recovery phase. They have probably second to or last place in terms of actual mitigation, as they have no healing without sacrificing damage. But they have a full invuln that helps them cheese. They also have a ton of support abilities that are stronger than anyone else. A good OT. Sustain is non-existent unless they sacrifice dps, then it’s the best. Rotationally, they have a dot combo, an st recovery combo, a magic st/aoe combo that is the same except for the spell, and an ape 2 hit combo.

Warrior is more like a blood dk than anything else. Dps is bursty but otherwise soso- it thrives when you can get enough inner releases in during a fight otherwise your dos overall sucks. Mitigation is strong with self healing as part of it’s AM as well as standard combo. Also has a discrete self heal that doesn’t impact dps. Decent support. Their invuln is good. Worst mobility because their gap closer requires beast Guage to use. Rotationally, they have a single target buff combo, a single target heal combo, and an aoe cone 2 hit combo. It’s a pain to keep the buff up in dungeons sometimes.

Gun breaker has probably the worst mitigation but it’s definitely enough. It has decent self healing as part of it’s standard rotation, and also a discrete HoT. Lacks much support but is selfish in dps. Their invuln will cause minor healer heart attacks because of how it works, but it’s effective. Single target combo, single target enhanced combo, 2 hit aoe combo, with a single and ape spender.

Dark knight has so-so dps, but has the best mitigation in the entire game. The Blackest Night is almost OP and can often negate tank busters completely. They can cast it on anyone, so it’s great for them being the MT or as an OT to use on others. They have some self healing baked I to their rotation, but nothing compared to warrior and overall I feel their sustain is the worst except vs a paladin who is focusing on dps. Worst invuln in the game, and often poorly understood leading to deaths. It has just one single target combo and just one 2 hit aoe combo. But it has a lot of oGCDs that are single target and aoe.

My preference in order is


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