Which Class in FF is all about the build up?

I was wondering because I wanted to try FF while playing wow. Which class is build as a “build up” I mean which class or spec in FF is played like a kind of full moon balance druid, in a way that you use your spells as build up until you hit the BIG SHINNY SPELL(s) that does everything you were building up for and if you mess up that build up you mess up the BIG SHINNY SPELL(s).

It can be a healer, tank or dps I don’t care, I’m just curious if there is a class/spec like that.

No hate to wow and not a troll post, im just curious and wow forum is the most alive.


I bet asking on their forums would give you a better response.


can’t without a sub :slight_smile: and people here play wow and FF


I’ve heard Red Mage is a lot like a Shaman/Druid, but I haven’t personally played one. I played a White Mage, but I was more healer focused.


You may enjoy Balance Druid, Frost Mage, Elemental Shaman, and Ret Pal! I don’t know anything about FF but I recommend you try the other three if you’re interested.

There are also Rogues and Warlocks with combo points and soul shards.

No class in FF.

Six monks. Monk alone weak, monks together strong

I play Black mage there , its about building up your compass like resource.


Probably summoner.

Bold of you to assume Forum users play either of those games.

Red mage is a lot like that yes. I couldn’t stand playing red mage and swapped almost instantly after, but that’s definitely a me-issue lol

FF14 uses very different class design from WoW so finding one to one parallels is difficult.

That said, if you’re looking for a builder/spender class, then I agree Red Mage is the way to go. The way they work is they want to build up their black mana and their white mana by casting different builders, very similar to Balance’s Lunar/Solar divide. Once they reach 80 of each, they begin their burst phase - a large melee combo that ends with a couple of explosions.


this is a wow forum, not FF forum.

Is that something that’s confusing for you? lol

Like how should I know about FF class build up? I don’t play FF which is why I am here instead, in the WoW forums.

Why is there this impression that everyone is playing FF all of a sudden and we know everything about it? Go ask Asmongold this question

This has already been addressed in this thread.

MCH technically is “build up 2 gauges, release at 50+” for a spammable attacks (1 global, 2 off globals. each of the main global takes 15sec cooldown off the 2 non globals, which have default 30sec cooldown) and release at 50+ for a robot appearing dealing damage based on the cost spent (equalized so summoning at 50 vs 100 will be flat out 50% less, but you could technically do it twice, so it equals out).

Have a good one.

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I tried the Summoner but there isnt the big build up i wanted, I want a class/spec that you need to MASTER to do crazy insane hps, tanking aoe dps or st dps

SAM/ BLM / RED for dps
MAR / DRK for tank
WHM / SCH for healer


feels too much like Arcane, I’m looking more into the “perfect setup for perfect hps or dps”

Considering the amount of FF14 threads that we have everyday and the lack of moderator action…they might as well just remove the WoW theme and call this place “The Forums”.

There is another thread suggesting that FF14 players not buy boosts that has been up for 12 hours. Pretty obvious no one cares.

Why do I see this “WoW” general discussion? Have some respect for others.