Which Archimonde did we kill?

Well, that’s what I meant by Timelocked. Anything created by the Alternate Timeline should of been locked within.
But then they choose to make AU Draenor a regular part of our Universe.

In a way, I kind of agree with that, since technically, Outland ripped itself apart as it got sucked into the Twisting Nether, so now AU Draenor sort took it’s place as the Defacto “Draenor” of our Universe.

But that still creates it’s own issues.

Well think of it this way, if there is only one Legion, yet we have multiple Velen’s who ran from the Legion, one would assume that there were also multiple Archimonde’s and Kil’jeaden’s (back when they were just normal Triumvirate buddies and were still just blue space goats themselves).

So if we have multiple Kil’jeadean’s (and by deductive logic we have multiple Archimonde’s) what happens to these two when they take up the Fel and become demonic?

Do all Kil’jeadean’s and Archi’s merge into one (how the heck would that even work)? Or are there separate demonic Kil’s and Archi’s running about the Nether and if so which ones did we take down.

Now do you see why multiple Legions would have been a more logical approach to the story?

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Yeah, how did that happen? Do they cellularly merge like a ameoba? They are two seperate physical bodies, both bodies get corrupted (at different times mind you, since Dreanor is in the past) and then they just end up being the same guy with exactly the same thoughts and motivations?

Colour me not convinced…

If they had went with that, it would at least make far more sense. Such a storyline isn’t in WoW atm.

She means before they became demons, there had to be multiple of them, because the AU dreanei remember Kil and Archi as just blue space goats who were their rulers.

This is the only explanation that makes sense. So basically the entirety of dreanor was just copy pasted from the past and thrown into a pocket dimension which is how we have two Velens but not two Archimonde’s.

But that basically means that AU dreanor hasn’t even got its own proper universe.

My understanding (or at least my head canon) is that there’s only one Sargeras/one Titan. So while there’s a buncha Archimondes chilling out there in the multiverse, Sargeras doesn’t go to him. Keep in mind, in the multiverse, there’s a possibility that other archimonde’s were killed by a deadly office-equipment accident. I mean, it’s all possible, right?

PC Load Letter?

I thought about it more, and it does make sense. Maybe this can clear up the analogy…
Suppose you’ve got an octopus sticking its tentacles into various pots. One of the pots is booby-trapped and chops off the tentacle. The octopus can’t put another tentacle in the pot, because its severed tentacle is in the way.

So Warcraft demons could be the same way; they put pieces of themselves into various timelines (pots) to mess things up, but if they die in that timeline they have to wait for another branch (a different pot) to meddle in, because their severed portion is in the way.

I can dig that as a cosmological model. Additionally, that would mean that entities that turn into demons join up with a larger extra-dimensional organ (their demonic self), so while there were separate Archimondes living in various alternates of Argus, as soon as one of them becomes a demon it joins with the hive-mind of all others that became demonic before it.

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DEMON CUTTLEFISH! I mean those things are basically demons.

But I do like the more-easily accessed octopus image.

I assume the real answer is blizz just didnt think about it that hard when they made this lore decision. Technically Sargeras wasn’t originally a demon either so there should be one of him in each universe as well.

Without further blizz clarification I figure i’ll just stick with my head canon haha.
Right now Demon/Legion lore is a mess

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Have we ever seen a demon pre-demonhood outside of memories and flashbacks?

The way I choose to see it is this:

There is no alternate versions of demons, instead part of the process of “ascension” to demonhood includes the convergence of all timelines for that person into one point.

To expand upon that, for most people I imagine their timeline looking like a mess of strings with each individual thread never actually crossing paths. Then for a Demon the threads prior to their ascension are still loose (so there are variants of KJ and Archimonde pre-demon that exist during a time prior to their ascension), however all of the threads converge at the point of ascension and from then on the (demonic) individual exists as a single entity throughout all timelines.

That is to say that there are physically alternate versions of characters such as KJ and Archimonde out there pre-corruption, but technically the demonic versions we meet span all timelines. So there are no demonic versions of people who are not demons (e.g. Velen, as if there were we wouldn’t have a non-corrupted Velen since once somebody is corrupted that’s it from then on spanning all AU’s) and the non-demonic counterparts to demons exist only within a certain time-frame and are somewhat more separate to their demonic counterparts than “usual” thanks to their timelines converging and melding into one at the point of demonic ascension.

Although that’s probably just as confusing for everybody outside of my own head regardless.

That’s really my problem more than anything. There are plenty of possible (almost always complicated) explanations as to what may or may not happen, but it would’ve been so much simpler to just have a separate legion/twisting nether per timeline/universe. That’s so much simpler to understand and doesn’t really pull away from the story imo.

There is one true timeline and all others fade from existence… Sargeras went to the true timeline’s Argus first recruiting Archimonde and Kil’jaeden from there…

If you think MU Archimonde would get along well with an AU version of himself when trying to recruit him into the Legion you are heavily mistaken!

Any AU version of Kil’jaeden would avoid the Legion once MU Archimonde killed AU Archimonde. Same goes for AU Velen… The most the Legion can do is destroy AU versions of Argus as they lack the time to bring him into the Nether due to his size(he’s a planet).

Only Sargeras can bring an AU Titan into the Twisting Nether but in order to reach the AU in order do so the Legion needs the Well of Eternity(or the Sargerite Keystone which was off limits apparently even for Azeroth due to being in use at Mardum) to summon him and Argus doesn’t have one.

Blizzard retconned it to same the Burning Legion is the same entity in all timelines. Meaning there is no Prime or Alternate Archimonde; there is only Archimonde.

Is Archimonde still alive? Eh, probably. He didn’t die in the Twisting Nether or in a place where it was overflowing into “Normal Space” (like Argus) so he’s probably still alive.

This ‘legion transcends dimensions/realities’ BS has always confused me.

Archimonde and Kiljaedan used to be draenei, and them became demons, trancending realitites.

But in multiple realities they did this… So are there infinite numbers of them? Or did they Voltron into a single entity? And how would that even work?

True Timeline’s Archimonde would never allow the False Timelines’ Archimondes to join the Legion and any AU Kil’jaedens and Velens that learned of this would raise up arms in defiance of the Legion and either die or fade from existence with the rest of the False Timelines they are in.

Capturing AU Velens from after Argus’s corruption and torturing him into joining the Legion like Rakeesh was would be easier yet Kil’jaeden hated Velen and thus would capture and corrupt MU Velen before doing so to AU versions of him.

Obviously you didn’t read a single thing I’ve said. I don’t see how you could in your right mind come up with that conclusion over what I just said.

Wow so many replies and im surprised most people don’t realize…
archimonde and kil’jaeden are killed in the twisting nether, they cant come back.

He dies in the mythic raid in the twisting nether, raids are canon.

Confirming this is true.

That’s like…not even the topic yo?

The topic is centered around the multi-universe and its implications for the Archimonde we killed

What you’ve brought up is hardly something “most people don’t realise”, in fact I’m preeeetty sure most do :woman_shrugging:

The one who know where mankrik’s wife is.