Which Archimonde did we kill?

This is why the ‘there is only one Legion’ statement is a problem. Hypothetically there should be more alternate realities. If there is only one Legion, though, and if your proposal that demons absorb all other version of themselves for power (which is quite elegant) were actually true, then everyone would be a demon.


Yep, I see it now… That’s kinda silly.

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Another question.

Hero’s of the storm revealed in an alternate universe Malfurion actually became the Demon Hunter where as Illidan became the Druid.

Shouldn’t be see a Demon Malfurion somewhere? Honestly I wouldn’t even be mad, I would like to see this rofl.

But, that begs the question, does Illidan fall into the same 1 dimensional category as the Legion?

Well… if Demons are the total composite of all their realities (hence explaining their exorbitant power… I really like this idea), then that would imply that those who are NOT demons must perish in any reality where they might have become a demon. Hence there cannot be a demonic Velen, he must have died in the conversion or before the opportunity presented itself.

Demon Hunters, however, are a different story. While they have demonic power, they are not actually demons; they house a demonic soul within them instead. When that soul overwhelms them, a demon from the nether takes their body, but it isn’t the demon version of that person.
For instance, if Illidan were to succumb, he wouldn’t become Demon Illidan because he wasn’t connected to the nether by Sargeras. He would just turn into whatever demon he ate, of which there is only one instance in the multiverse.

If such were not the case, it would be impossible for any alternate version of Illidan to exist within the multiverse.

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Thank you for all the answers. What I got out of it all was basically what I had thought before:


AU Draenor is basically a pocket universe that only contains Draenor and it’s surrounding solar system. The Burning Legion used the Twisting Nether to access that pocket system, so every demon we saw there is the same one from our universe.

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I think it helps to not think of the Universe like “Planets Floating in a Vacuum of Space” and more like “Dimensional Pockets existing just outside the Twisting Nether.”
In this manner, The Twisting Nether is like the Nexus of all the dimensions.

Initially, no Multiple incarnations of each “Planet” or people, with AU Draenor being the Exception.

When Kairozdormu created the AU Draenor, he inadvertently revived Gul’dan and the Shadow Council who re-estamblished ties with the Burning Legion in the Twisting Nether, resulting in the Legion finding themselves with a second chance at Draenor (this time, more prepared and with a unified goal.)

That’s pretty slick, I think.

My logic is just that demons are massive strings in string theory: a one-dimensional object (the demon) vibrating in multi-dimensional space (either 10, 11, or 26 depending on your flavor of theory!).

We only “see” one essence of the string (demon) in our reality (universe). To fully destroy them, we have to do so in the twisting nether - or has that been retconned too?

So you’re saying that we (the player characters) are only seeing one cross-section of a multi-dimensional being, and though pieces of that being can be destroyed by virtue of their intersection with our currently-occupied reality, in order to destroy the entirety of this multi-dimensional worm (or wyrm if you prefer) we must enter their higher geometric space ourselves?

It’s an interesting alternative, but… if these are sentient beings unaffected by our premise of time, what is to stop them from simply maneuvering another slice of themselves into position when they are defeated to try again? By virtue of the fact they are defeated once, does the event become a forgone conclusion? That is, can the demon never win in that reality if it has been beaten once?

They kill Mannoroth in WC3.

He comes back in the cinematic because he’s a demon. They kill him there.

Instead of waiting for him to come back on his own, they remake him in HFC and you kill him a third time. He might still come back, because he’s still a demon.

Kil’jaeden and Archimonde appear a few times, get blown up, reform. Then in Mythic, you kill both of them in the Twisting Nether, so they ded forevers.

The difference is the cinematics following each of their deaths. Archimonde doesn’t die in the nether, he dies back in Tanaan. Kil’jaeden does die in the nether in his cinematic. Mythic mode is a gameplay mechanic and the cinematics are exclusively lore material, so I’m inclined to believe Archimonde didn’t die in the twisting nether and can still reform sometime in the future. Kil’jaeden dying in the nether means he is well and truly dead. He shouldn’t ever reform.

This is why time travel and alternate realities are terrible story elements unless the author is meticulous to all of the details.

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" only one Legion" doesn’t make any sense to me. There were two Guldans. So by that logic there must have been two Archimonds (pre corruption) was only one corrupted? If so what happened to the other Archimond? (Same question for KJ)

You, my ursine friend, are much wiser than I. My only half-cogent response would be that there is a time-delay in that demons ability to manifest in the same reality (or dimension) in which they were slain.

I call it the Inter-Dimensional Lag Theory!

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Gul’dan is not part of the legion. He was only employed. A hired gun - not a full time member of the band :]

At least that’s my interpretation.

The subtle humor most will not enjoy.

Probably the dumbest bit of lore or retcon or whatever they added in legion is that there is only one Legion for all timelines and universes. So WoD universe Archimonde is the same as our Archimonde.

It’s a very dumb piece of lore IMO and it’s one case where I stick heavily to my head canon. I really hope it gets retconned out cause it’s useless and confusing.

EDIT: Elaborating further because of how passionately I hate this addition to the lore.

Here’s an example at why this is terrible lore/world building:

The Eredar weren’t always apart of the Legion, so that means in each timeline that is at a point in time before they join the Legion there is an uncorrupted Archimonde. Then when Sargeras visits in that timeline and Archimonde joins, what happens?

Does he somehow merge into the already existing Demon Archimonde and Archimonde the Defiler is actually a combined consciousness of multiple Archimondes?

Is there a separate Archimonde for each timeline? So now we have an army of Archimondes?

Then apply this to every that had non-demon origins before joining the Legion. Not to mention we should see demons in our timelines that originate from other timelines. Like what about a timeline that Velen joins the Legion along with the other two? He should have access to our timeline sense it’s all one big legion for all timelines.

As far as I can tell the only reason they added this piece of world building was so that the Legion in WoD would know about the Legion failures in our timeline and would thus have a reason to send AU Gul’dan to our timeline.

A far better explanation (and the explanation I use in my head canon) is there are separate legions for each timeline and the reason AU Archimonde sent AU Guldan to our timeline was to get vengeance on us for stopping them in the AU. It was a last ditch action taken in his dying breath so it really didn’t need some grand cosmic lore changes to justify it.

/end rant

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Don’t feel bad if its hard to make sense of it all. If the average one of us could grasp all the complexities of the universe, we wouldn’t need wizards.

Not really. It saves us the trouble of having TWO Archimondes running around in the Twisting Nether.

What really was the problem was when they didn’t “Timelock” AU Draenor like they did Timeless Isle so nothing from AU Draenor could leave it.

Imo there shouldnt have been an issue as there would have also been two twisting nethers. Universes should have been completely separate. With the the only connection between AU and MU would have been the dark portal our Garrosh created inconjunction with the piece of hourglass or whatever.