Which Archimonde did we kill?

Okay, but WoD’s AU was also set in the past. So he could be occupying those realities simultaneously. Not visiting each one at a time.

Oh… interesting. I really need to find a website that tracks all of these changes and retcons. I had no idea we thought there were multiple Legions before.

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How so? There is only one Mannoroth.

This only gets worse as we try to make sense of it btw.

Right, but since they’re supposed to transcend realities and time or whatever, the real Mannoroth would exist in the Nether while appearing in multiple Azeroths.

he feels like the dr klaw or cobra commander of villains.

Basically it was common sense to assume multiple realities had their own Legion.

It was during WOD that Blizzard revealed it’s all one Legion and the forums exploded (for good reason) because it literally just created more questions than answers.

Ok, now let’s move on to the next big plot hole.

There are multiple Velen’s so that means there are multiple Archimonde’s/Kil’Jaedens… Explain that one.

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I’ll try… All versions of Kil’jaeden and Archimonde that became corrupted by the Legion became the same being?


That’s pretty fair. There are some holes with that.

I mean, I get the whole concept. It makes sense to me for there to be only one Legion. But there are inconsistencies with some of the things said in game.

Ever see the movie “The One” with Jet Li? Sargeras sent them from universe to universe to hunt down their dopplegangers. When they killed them, they obsorbed the power of the doppleganger.


Velen isn’t a demon. Once they become a demon and their soul is tied to the Twisting Nether, they’re a different being and their existence changes.

At least, that’s what Wowpedia tells me.

There is one way it can be made to make sense that there are multiple Draenors and Azeroths but only one Legion, and that is to remove multiple realities from the picture.

You must apply the premise that ‘time is space’ and assume that in an uncountably infinite universe there are only a countably infinite number of permutations a life-bearing planet can possess.

Then, time magic just becomes extreme-distance portal magic, wherein the time traveler goes to a distant planet that shares the same permutation as their own, save its starting point being shifted.

With those assumptions, Argus can then be taken as a special case, wherein outside forces prevent it from forming up again in another part of the universe. That outside force could be perceived as its contact with the twisting nether, hence with the ‘draenei’ were doubled but the demons that comprised the other 2/3rds of the ereder were not.

Can there be more than one Azeroth considering it contains a Titan?

Are there other Azeroths that don’t have a world soul?

My head hurts.

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And what about the Archimonde’s in other universes who didn’t go evil?

You realize there is a universe where Arthas actually didn’t go evil right? It’s logical to assume there are good Archimonde’s and evil Demon Velen’s.

It just creates more plot holes mate.

Even Blizzard avoids trying to discuss this topic now.

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This is why AU stories are a bad idea.


Which doesn’t make sense because Archimonde and Kiljaeden weren’t always demons, meaning there would be alternate versions of them. They might not be demons, but there would still be alternate versions of them just like there is an alternate version of Velen…

Which brings so many more questions. WoD was such as mistake lol


Exactly. 100%


If there’s an alternate Arthas that never became the Lich King, then why can’t there be alternate Archimondes and Kil’jaedens that listened to Velen? I mean it’s not great writing, but I wouldn’t really call that a plot hole…

The biggest problem with AU stories is that if two AUs collide in some way then shouldn’t all the others as well?

I consider that a plothole because it wouldn’t explain why we don’t have a Eredar Velen.

Truth be told, this was never the intention when Blizzard originally wrote the Legion, nor alternate dimensions. I personally believe someone at Blizzard thought it would be more “cool” if we got to fight the same Archimonde, but in the end just botched the lore with it.

You said it yourself, we now have to mentally gymnastic ourselves into guessing all Archimonde’s now fused into one? Not even Blizzard confirmed this.


That’s a good point actually… There would be demon versions of just about everyone.