Whether you're for or against the instance limit

Do the tallies disappear after 24h or do you right down the time as well sir?

Is it even clear whether it’s in a fixed 24 hour cycle or 24 hours since the last instance you entered after your last 24 hour reset?

How about we just revert this poorly thought out change by the incompetent developers at Activision since its entirely antithetical to promising no changes and doesn’t address the problem its supposedly addressing (botting)?

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I would like to know how I’m losing a lockout randomly. I do literally 4 resets and boom locked out (24 hour fresh) with too many instances. This has happened twice. Am I doing 10 instances and getting dinged for 12? WHAT THE EFF IS GOING ON.

I strong disagree. WoW is not a game designed for “the tiny group of players who are exactly like you”. In other words, Classic is not a custom game designed for YOU. Why should Blizzard add a feature that 99% of players NEVER USE? They shouldn’t. They won’t. You are not special.

Instead Blizzard provides a robust API allowing tens of thousands of addons. That let’s EACH player CHOOSE exactly what features they want and what features they don’t want.

If the game included ALL of those features, the menu would be too huge to find anything. AND the game would be much larger. AND release dates would slip by months.

No, Blizzard was BRILLIANT by putting all “optional features” in addons.

Doesn’t the WA have quite a bit of inaccuracy? How does it handle being signed off and back on - does it cache total runs over a rolling 24 regards of being logged on?

If they let us have access to it in the API then we’d have an addon for it already.

Likely because it is one of those things that will only be used by a very small portion of WoW players. The same portion that probalby uses a lot of addons already to optimize play. You’ve already said you use Weak Auras. Blizzard provided the API for the information, the Weak Aruas author provided a solution.

I say they should put a 5/hr tracker in there too. Instance bugs are aplenty.

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Do you know what tally marks are? You can make them on paper with a device called a “pen” or a “pencil”. Archaic, I know.

Tallies don’t really work with a rolling 24 lockout

Sure they do if you write down the time with the mark :wink:

From the weak auras author for the addon mentioned earlier in the thread:

  • 30 instance per day limit added.
  • If the number of instances entered in the last hour is less than the display threshold, the progress bar displays instances entered in the last 24 hours instead.
  • The WeakAura no longer reports your instance limit to the chat frame. When you hit the instance limit, it will display the time remaining until more instances are available, prioritizing the daily limit over the hourly limit.
  • Time units are in lower case instead of upper case (“13 mins 7 secs” vs “13 Mins 7 Secs”).
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Yes they do.

Classic lacks a lot of things that Addons make-up for it. Things like Atlasloot, Questie, DBM, etc. Even though the three mentioned are in Retail.

Sure. They can tamper with Retail. I’d rather they stop messing with Classic.

Oh so you have a magic pen that deletes tallies after 24 hours?

Yes it’s called a pen.

Its called writing down a time stamp then crossing it out. That isn’t a tally it is a time stamp.

Since these timestamps would be keeping track of a “total score or amount”, they would in fact be considered tallies.

Tallystamps, really.

Weak aura is just a addon, the auras are basically addons being used inside of a addon.

The instance tracker and other time trackers like professions cool downs (transmutes/moon-cloth/salt shakers) are all tracked by saved variables.

When you hit a loading screen(zoning in and out of a instance) addons have this moment to save/load variables/data in the

So when you enter a fresh instance it time stamps, if you log off then log on the next day while you are “entering world” loading screen all your addons are loading their saved variables.

That’s about as basic as I can make it sounds, someone might be able to explain in it better than I can.

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Hum, I’ll check out the code for the aura and test. Ive seen a decent amount of inaccuracy on locks it seems.

Thanks for the info!

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