Where's this "event" that blizz promised?

I really don’t want to stand around SW all day waiting for…whatever is supposed to happen. Blizz, please tell us time and place, if there actually is anything…I got things to do today and am basing my RL plans on this. Thanks


Waiting for the west coast to get home from work, maybe?

Edit: You must be new here. NEVER base your day/life around Blizzard’s schedule!


Theres an event???

The event will be a 5 minute server shutdown timer that actually lasts the full 5 minutes. Enjoy!


4pm, Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

Oh I’m completely aware of Blizztime. But…I expect this is going to be some blowing up of the major cities and I’d like to be there for it, but have places to go today and errands to run. Someone said 4pm (PST) so I will check it out then!!

Might want to. . ya know… check the BETA forums…

This is prepping you for Classic where you will be in game all day and just should go ahead and cancel those RL plans.