Please don’t tell me we’re going into Tues with no class tuning
Probably 2-4 weeks in, no?
They normally tune this week and first 3 or so weeks into new patch
Thanksgiving might push things back.
Pretty sure Blizz doesn’t balance pre-Season.
Which is kinda dumbo concerning the big warning signs that have flashed since PTR like Goremaw
Been blizz’s style to tune after actual live player testing is done through live play for awhile now, opposed to doing most adjustments during the ptr phases (which get next to no tuning these days).
Likely won’t see anything meaningful for the first few weeks.
How much more player testing before Blizz realizes every healer in the game is getting outhealed by literal tree bots?
Oh, here’s the pve tuning.
Wellp, at least BrM got a nice buff
I honestly wonder if anyone at blizz has given a single thought to the interaction of ebon might and the fact that the pvp trinket bonus is a main stat amplifier.
Just turn it into a tank spec please, admit failure.
Beginning of season doesn’t really matter for much of anything.
Yeah the first like 7-8 weeks of a season doesn’t matter
going to be a lot of class changes people gearing chacters
Of course they matter. People want to have fun, not feel like they have to bench characters that are underperforming or play what’s broken to get Elite sets
I mean, kind of, but also not really?
not feel like they have to bench characters that are underperforming or play what’s broken to get Elite sets
Seasons last like 6 months.
I disagree. The first 6 weeks and the last 6 weeks are when most of the participation happens.
But having fun should start now
having fun should start now
Why can’t we have fun now?
Two-shot rogues screwing with my 1800 mog push in shuffle?
they’ve let specs play whole seasons in god mode
Two-shot rogues screwing with my 1800 mog push in shuffle
Can’t be that much worse than my trashcan specs auto-losing every time I saw light blue class or a dragon anywhere in my lobby for the entirety of last season.