Where's the tuning Blizz?

o for sure what i mean by that statement is the game will be super unbalanced 1 shot stuff also is during the gear grind where people cap vault and log off that toon for the week

i hope they at least pet you before they kept you 30 yards away the rest of the game

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Play a tank or three like me :rofl:

Self-inflicted wounds, buddy

They didn’t. :sob:

lmk when tunings done and ill come back

see you in 5-8 weeks

then they super buff something to S tier and every one rerolls to it and it ruineds the season and cant forget the .5 patch that will rework a spec and make it S tier

this whole xpac in a nut shell

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All this talk about “tuning” but no specifics?

Buff what I play, nerf everything that’s good into what I play

Really, though, it’s hard to say now what with wpvp gear.

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but also only buff me and nerf every one else

Probably gonna last like 8 months if it’s the last season of the expansion.

There’ll be a fourth season in the fated tier.

Only two classes I have an issue with in their current form are sub rogue and ret pallies… specifically ret pallies.

Both of them have some of the best burst in the game and the best defenses that give complete immunity.

And for the most part you can’t really escape them during the burst so you have to sit there and deal with it.

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