I’ve ran over 15 M+ this week and I’m 5/10 Castle Nathria and, out of all these runs, I’ve dropped 1! piece of gear. At first I thought I was just unlucky but after watching streamers and talking to guildies the feeling is the same: the loot has disappeared.
I don’t know if there was a change on the loot table or if this is one of those perception things but loot feels few and far between this expansion. I must’ve farmed De Other Side heroic at least 10x this week and still haven’t seen that trinket drop, that plus a mythic run and a couple m+ runs. I’m not sure what it is, maybe I’m just extremely unlucky but it feels like ages since I dropped something I can actually equip.
Ok this is getting old can we just Merge these post. Now granted it’s a bunch of BS what they’re doing You have two options deal with it or unsub
Sorry… my bad for not checking GD to see if there were a lot of these. Not gonna unsub now since I’ve got way too much time in my hands, but once office life is back I’m not sure I can play the amount of hours I need to to stay relevant.
Anyways, just venting here.
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I noticed drop rates are crap too.
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Less posts make the problem ignorable and we don’t want that.
But on this they’re not going to change anything until people start unsubbing in Mass
It will be changed only when enough un-sub.
Keeping in mind that I started the week 183 ilvl. That means some m0 gear plus the legendary. That means that pretty much anything I drop this week would be an upgrade. Anything.
I think that this needs to be more visible because people aren’t happy. I know there are several posts about this but I can understand the frustration of people.
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Would love some shoulders so that I can swap legendaries w/o having to equip a 171 piece of junk.
All I get is repeat conduits and some anima stuff. Tough times man…
Youre supposed to work from home not play games at home during boss hours.
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I think players have better luck getting a response by tweeting @WatcherDev. He seems to respond far more often than on the forums.
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Freelance designer here… I make my own hours
Complaining until they change it is a valid option that has changed bad Blizz decisions before, most recently when N’Zoth invasion dailies were too stingy with rep and getting corruptions was too random. Things that are bad for the game don’t change unless players make a fuss.
I don’t think it was complaining as much as people was unsubbing
The tail-end of BFA was a ghost town
See instead of having rng of rng of rng wtih Titanforge where you would get loot just not your best loot. Its been removed and made into one omega lvl Rng.
Blizzard too often makes broad strokes. This complaining is going to lead to BFA style loot drops, and then complaints will start again that loot is meaningless because it’s too abundant.
Not necessarily - if they see lack of engagement they will make a change (since that usually precedes unsubscribing). It’s like the cloak, they knew they had a problem with the cloak when people weren’t getting it on all their alts. We knew they had a problem when they posted a survey about it.
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