Maybe I’m just lucky, but I’ve been swimming in loot. I don’t focus on loot though, just pushing keys.
I see where you’re coming from but loot drops are a totally different animal then a egendary cloak
Oh, and if you haven’t seen this blue post it looks like they think too much loot is dropping. I don’t know where this 5 items average is coming from but it definitely wasn’t happening in my group.
Even then, let’s do some napkin math here: a 3 item average would mean 30 items on a 10 boss raid, right? One might think “oh 30 items for 20 people, that’s not bad”. That’s not true because ever since personal loot became the norm loot has become an exclusively personal experience, i.e. you click on the corpse and you’re either happy or sad. In a 10 boss raid a 20 men group will click the boss 200 times (20*10) and only be happy 30 of those time (~15%) plus you being able to trade items is not entirely up to you and raid composition isn’t equivalent (leather users usually have more trading options than plate and especially mail).
Idk… not sure where they’re going w/ this.
Yes this is not BFA, loot no longer rains from the skies. Things will be paced out and getting loot will be more rewarding when you actually get a peace. You wont be all geared up in 1 week like in BFA.
Many people where actually turned off by the gear bloat in BFA. And we made that clear going into SL development that we wanted a change for it to go back to the way it used to feel. Where there was gaps between ilvl’s and things had value again. And you was not geared over night in your sleep.
I initially thought it was just bad RNG but after seeing thread after thread created on here it’s become obvious that Blizzard nerfed loot drops into the ground, especially for mythic+.
I ran HoA mythic+ too many times yesterday just to try to get a neck piece. it seems they want to force pvp for any consistent gear
How is it rewarding then to run instances multiple times and get nothing? There’s a middle ground to be found but I don’t think this is it. Also, if loot is going to be this scarce then some bad luck protection is needed.
Gear doesn’t have value because it takes longer to drop. It has value when it’s scarce (unique) – like legendaries were in the original (vanilla) game. Gear drops being slow to come is only going to drive players away from the game, and that’s bad for business.
Its actually paced out about like MoP, you all will survive. Trust me.
The neck I got earlier and traded away? ><
you have picked up 5 gear so far from m+. Seems plenty from doing only 15
Depends on what they consider as excessive loot drop. 1 in 20 chances you made might suck for you but thier point of view might be you got too much loot . So they made it 1 in 30 chance now
It’s not a problem. You’re not meant to completely gear yourself out in 1 day and that’s intentionally put in SL… which again, is not a problem.
This FORTNITE POGGERS GIMME GIMME LOOT mentality is why BFA was awful in the first place.
They should really merge all these same posts into one big one. So that other threads have a chance of being seen past all the, “I ran a dungeon, and I didn’t get five pieces of loot.” threads.
All the loot is in BFA.
I knew a guy who spent 12 hours in there getting zero loot as a replacement working as intended LOL!
bliz design working as intended
more /timeplayed