The poll included the tree mount, the slime cat, the book, nerubian swarmer and the caterpillar…
how come every single mount has been added to the game except the caterpillar? How is that even fair? We want our caterpillar mount!
Ground mount - caterpillar
Flying mount - butterfly
cmon blizz!
Because there was NEVER a Caterpillar mount. It was all a tease. We all know that the Caterpillar got the most votes. They just couldn’t move forward because they won’t make it!

I hope it will be become a trading post mount or something at least
It got 20% of the votes, I can’t believe they just ignored it 
what about a ladybug mount
That’s such a cute movie.

I’d love to have a caterpiggle mount<3

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Very underrated Pixar movie. He was all I ever imagined when I voted for the caterpillar mount. I want a big ole caterpie
I’d be ok with the flight form just be 2 little wings like his too! :3
Forgive my ignorance but which mount do we have that’s the nerubian?
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the Endmire Flyer from the rare Femu (in shadowlands) and Leaping Veinseeker from Nazmir (BFA) looks almost identical to a Nerubian Swarmer model
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Make it a trading post mount or Twitch drop.
Give it a nice questline & different color / patters from dungeon drops.

That’s not the nerubian mount. That’s a recolour of the 2 (3?) mounts from BFA from Nazmir, and none of them are nerubian, even if they do look like the swarmer model.
The tree, book and slime cat are all decidedly unique. Throwing in a random bug mount of a completely unrelated species and saying “There’s your Nerubian!” would be a terrible joke. Though, granted, not unheard of from Blizzard…
I’m still mad that my book is locked behind Mage Tower.
At least the book is still available, even if the way to get it is extremely painful. Tree and slime cat are goneskis forever unless trading post or something rescues them
Kinda reminds me of the motorbikes, how the Alliance technically won because their chopper is still obtainable while the Horde one legally can’t come back
Everyone still gets the Wandering Ancient mount. It’s an automatic collected mount for new accounts with a sub.
Slime cat was stupid how they did that, imo.
Oh is it? Tbh I thought it was a limited time promo. My bad on that.
It was a “you get it with SL,” so now it’s just “you get it if you’re a sub.” Shockingly nice of them. LOL
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Oof… that one’s true… though I sure hope not…