Where's Rakeesh?

Sorry but Blizzard has said otherwise. And I’ll take Blizzards word over yours. It is why they made the ‘one legion for all timelines’ excuse in the first place. So the Archimonde we fought in HFC was the same one that was defeated at Hyjal.

Just take the L dude.


So now you’re a liar. Got it. Blizzard “NEVER” wrote any lore in game for them being the same. Literally, we have already identified that there was a non-canon comment by Dave Kosak “outside” the game, at a convention…where he had to conclude his statement by saying “but we didn’t put that in game”.

Why does something have to be “in game” in order to be considered canon to you?

Are the events of Day of the Dragon non-canon because they appeared in a book? What about the sunwell trilogy or the Dragons of Outland duology? I guess if it does not appear in game it is non-canon. External material are non-canon. You sound like the random on youtube who got butthurt over me proving them wrong for having that mindset.

You call me a liar but then literally make reference to the same thing I was referencing.

Sounds like you are just trolling for the sake of trolling at this point. Grow up seriously.

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For the same reason that a shape needs to be a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles to qualify as a square.

So, what you’re saying is that you will ignore any lore that is in novels that proves your arguments false?

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To be fair, it’s happened that novel writers aren’t always working with material that is consistent with the in game environment, so it has to be taken on a case by case basis.

The TTRPG material is ripe with such dissonance.

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Novel writers are given material to make a story out of. It’s canon regardless of people not liking it. That’s the point. People don’t get to pick and choose what to ignore because they don’t like it

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Sure they can… it’s their 15 a month.

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Than they need to stop wasting everyone elses time when discussing the lore if they’re going to ignore lore because it interferes with their fan fiction

Nobody cares that it’s your $15 a month. They can go join a fan fiction discord if they wanna discuss things that never happened in WOW

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Gatekeeping is not a good activity, no matter who does it. They have the same right to post their opinions here as you or I do. And if it’s that annoying to you, you have the right to “save your time” by putting them on ignore.

Talking about the lore and having someone blatantly ignore it is not gatekeeping. Its them wasting everyone’s time on the LORE forum

There’s a fan fiction sub forum where they can talk about their made up lore.

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You do realise that Lordaeron was taken down by two sucker punches from traitors within the kingdom, led by Arthas and Kel-Thuzad? One with the cursed grain, and the other killing the monarch after disbanding the Silver Hand?

I would say there is a difference between posting opinions and outright calling people names because they have a different (and more accurate) definition on what is ‘canon’ or not. It is disingenuous to say, “oh you are quoting X, well I think X is non canon therefore you are wrong and I am right”. It is basically the whole “I made you the soyjack and I am the chad and that makes me right” meme.

Maybe you should read the thread instead of doing another attempt at a gotcha because that is all you try to do when it comes to me. I mean you quoted a 3 day old post.


No, Cathy Newman… your “so what you’re saying is” followed by something I did not say is not evidence for your wishes.

Yep, Denona can go join a fan discord to discuss things that never happened in world of warcraft.