Where's Rakeesh?

We have penitent Man’ari, but Velen’s son is nowhere to be found or mentioned. He didn’t die in the Twisting Nether, and I thought Argus sped up the process of demon revival?

I think Velen should be looking for his son.


He’s dead unless they need him. TBD.


Its possible that he was in Antorus when we took out Argus. Its unclear as to what happened to the demons that were in the process of being reborn when we defeated Argus.

I theorize that their resurrection being interupted actually killed them.


I like to imagine it didn’t and you had random demon #69759725 having 1 second to go before it bumped up to like 1000 years.


I could just see it, Tichondrius seething after his defeat in the Nighthold, feeling the time of his rebirth almost completed and plotting his vengeance when suddenly he feels a shift and just screams into the nothingness as he feels everything just extend out of nowhere.


In fairness, we don’t know how much it was speeding up the process (and given how time works in the Twisting Nether - where Argus is - how consistently relative to the passage of time in the Great Dark.) We never got any indication that demons were coming back a week later or anything, so it might still take months or years, meaning the destruction of Antorus would have interrupted the process for any demons undergoing regeneration from being slain during Legion (and since Mannoroth was still gone, probably at least during WoD as well.) The rate of regeneration both with and without Antorus could have vary widely depending upon how powerful the demon is.

Then with Antorus taken out of the picture, even if any demons in mid-regeneration still exist afterward, the point of rebirth may have been once more decentralized. We don’t know exactly how it originally worked before, so that could mean they’re regenerating at random points throughout the Nether, or it could mean that their souls are drawn to specific locations therein that are informed by whether or not their respective homeworlds are also in that plane (or were at some point corrupted and “dragged” there by the Legion.)

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Didnt he sacrifice his soul destroying the Naaru or something? He didnt simply die at that momment, it felt, worse.

No? A fel reaver killed the Naaru.

It was a really dramatic death for a creature who infinitely resurrects, but that’s all it was.


It only felt worse because we find out it was Velen’s kid, instead of random Demon #4587 that we killed before. As of right now, he’s in the twisting nether in the process of reforming

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How many demons that were killed in Legion outside of the Twisting Nether have we seen since then? Detheroc got a shoutout in Shadowlands indicating that he’s around somewhere despite having been jumped by the rogue order hall, but I can’t remember if any others have come back.

Its also possible Rakeesh was just loyal to the burning legion and kept being so even after the fall of Kil’Jaeden

Anetheron was also revealed to be active. Nal’ragas sends his regards to Keal’thas and Vashj.

I cant think if any others.


Legion Time Rifts are full of demons.

We were talking about demons known killed before Antorus, who returned to the story after Argus was killed at the end of Legion.

Though the Time Rift legion does raise questions. They said its one Legion over across the timelines and we fight against a Legion aligned Illidan. Exactly how does that factor with our Illidan? Could we get Illidan vs Illidan?


I still maintain that by the rules of the multiverse, there should be a timeline where Velen accepts Sargeras’ offer but Archimonde and Kil’jaeden did not.


Well, yeah, just because something is a multiversal threat, doesn’t mean the same rules apply to every timeline. All one has to do is change something about a alternate timeline and it snowballs. We’ve seen that with WoD and how things played out differently because a few minor things were changed

Kil’jaeden also hates Velen thus a Velen that somehow joined the Legion suddenly appearing would enrage him enough to attack.

Sargeras is smarter than to show Kil’jaeden his trump card Demon Velen who would be busy chasing Good Kil’jaeden and Archimonde through the Twisting Nether.

Furthermore thanks to the nature of Timelines chances are quite a few “Good” Archimondes are still Evil and upon getting his own ship to himself once the Genedar splits in two(regardless of whether he is Lightforged or not depending on whether or not he is on Xe’ra’s Ship or K’ure’s ship) would begin his own crusade to conquer the Cosmos though learn enough to know that he should avoid his original Timeline as well as Timelines besides the MU since they’re destined to fade.

Good Kil’jaeden will be like Velen: Running and avoiding the Legion. Even a Lightforged Kil’jaeden would insist on running which would agree with Xe’ra’s idea that Lightforged Illidan is their one true hope. …and since there is an Evil Illidan working with the Legion as Gornur pointed out…

Xe’ra after being denied MU Illidan is not going to give up on looking for a Illidan to Lightforge when it is the One True Path. Since Xe’ra is a denizen of the Cosmic Force of Light there is only one of her and once she is done on AU Draenor she will waste no time in looking for a Universe where Illidan serves the Legion and thus would receive no aid in escaping her forcing Lightforging on him.

He’s dead… the Champion killed him during Legion. and Velen was there to see it.


I thought Time Rifts had named Demons there.

He died outside of the Twisting Nether. That means he can resurrect.

That only applies to actual real demons, not Eredar. That’s why Archimonde has been dead since Warcraft 3.