Where's Rakeesh?

I’m sure they do, but I don’t think they were demons we’ve killed before.

He should be able to resurrect.

Wasn’t the whole “only one Legion” thing brought up to explain that the Archimonde seen in WoD is the same Archimonde fought in Warcraft III? That would imply that Eredar can resurrect just as well as any other demon.


It was, but also Mannoroth as well but mainly Archimonde. Because Blizzard wanted it to be thematic that we are fighting the same Archimonde as was beaten in WC3 (and thus the Battle for mount hyjal raid).

It kinda becomes weird because demonic Eredar were once mortals. So the question is, when does a mortal soul become a demonic one? But also what happened to AU Archimonde and Kil’jaeden pre Sargeras bargain? Is Sargeras the same Sargeras across time and space? He is still functionally a Titan. Did they fuse into the singular being? If that is the case, how does the Legion allied Illidan we fight in the time rift events exist? Illidan is said to have a demonic soul, that is something he says when the PC Demon Hunter finds out they have one too.


Remember that was a Draenor 35 years in the past… a pre-Hyjal Archimonde.

No it wasn’t, it was our Archimonde after his defeat in Mount Hyjal.

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For some reason that made me think of the movie Beetlejuice.

Honestly it’d be cool if there was a questline and it turned out Rakeesh found moments of clarity in his death — along with deep earnest regret for his actions under the will of the Legion …

You could have a questline where you go to another world & find a singular Eredar in self-exile, sitting on a cliffside watching the sun-rise over the horizon & valley full of life. Followed by a cinematic where Velen approaches much to Rakeesh’s surprise and he announces a speech that brings him to follow Velen back and rebuild his people. :muscle:

  • “My son: Redemption does not simply come by being idle … Redemption comes from ones actions.”

I think it would be fantastic if we had the Eredar join the Draenei to help rebuild their kingdom, followed by (I hope) ‘The Broken’ of Outland to eventually join ranks too and push them to have architectures to the likes of Auchindoun and Shattrath in their prime — once again, but in their new home:



My guess is he’s sitting in the Twisting Nether watching the rez timer go from 30 seconds to 100 years.


We don’t have “any” lore that would go along with your claim. He doesn’t mention remembering us doing anything to him at Hyjal, he doesn’t do or say anything that makes us think he has ever been to our timeline instead of the timeline for alternate draenor which he is in, etc. The writers did not make things consistent. You’re sort of making stuff up that would assuage your own feeling of inconsistency.

Blizzard has stated the following, per interview with Dave Kosak. “And the idea was if you played in Mythic and defeated Archimonde, you actually defeated him in the Nether and that he’d be dead dead for good. That was the idea that we played with. We tried to explain that and I don’t know if… that certainly doesn’t come across in-game because it’s not necessarily explained in-game.”

They’ve acknowledged they messed up there, but their current stance is that Archimonde is dead. And since its one Legion, in all timelines, that means Archimonde was defeated at the end of War3, resurrected, and then ultimately died at the end of WoD.

The Legion from the current point if WoD decided to invade AU Draenor. We have Kil’jaeden, working with AU Gul’dan, watching as Archimonde took over, and then Legion where they worked together.


There was a big rift to the nether there he had torn open for the fel reaver right? So it might of been “Twisting Nether-ish” enough for it to count as dying there.

Holding his son as he died was a key piece of Velen’s finding his backbone and deciding to face Kil’jaden head on. Having him just pop back up would severely undermine that entire arc.

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Thus… my reply remains correct. We do not have “any” lore that says anything you claimed. Dave Kosak admits “that certainly doesn’t come across in game” …because they didn’t put anything in game. His coulda shoulda woulda on stage is not lore.

There is only one Legion, meaning there is only one Archimonde. They made that decision when they realized the horrible Pandora’s Box of infinite Archimondes and Sargerases they had opened when they allowed for alternate timelines to exist at all.



However its unclear how the mortal races turned demons, like the Eredar, fit into things. Do the AU counterparts that didn’t become demons live their lives with no issues? What happens to their soul afterwards?

Per Steve Danuser, when AU characters die they become threads within MU version ropes. Does that mean they follow this system and become a thread within the demonic soul?

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This is where his logic for souls in other timelines breaks down tbh. He came came really close to the theosophical concept of an Over-Soul, but stopped just short. He should of just gone full out and said “the function of the shadowlands is to get people to give up their individuality and rejoin the soul-of-souls. Insofar as that goes, people of other timelines rejoin the same core Over-Soul that transcends notions of time and space, thus cause no conflict.”

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Honestly I think the mindset is that outside of us killing Rage Winterchill as part of the Black Temple attunement questline, the ‘Battle for Mount Hyjal raid’ is considered non-canon. Given that the reason why we get attuned to said raid never happened. That being the infinite dragonflight doing some shady stuff. I mean when asked about that, Metzen just said it was something he thought would be cool given the whole gimmick with the Caverns of Time. Every other instance in the Caverns of Time has an actual lore reason why we go into them and that reason has a pay off.

Old Hillsbrad? Stopping the infinite dragonflight from preventing Thralls escape. Final boss is an infinite dragon.
Black Morass? Stop the infinites from assassinating Medivh / Sargeras. All important enemies are infinites
Culling of Stratholme? Stop the infinites from assassinating Arthas. Trash to and including the third boss is an infinite.
End Time? Kill Murozond so we can go back to the War of the Ancients
Well of Eternity? TIME HEIST BABY!
Hour of Twilight? Escort Thrall to Wyrmrest Temple
Dragon Soul? Kill Deathwing.


I’ll be honest… “anything” that gets typed after the words “per Steve Danuser” means nothing to me. I don’t treat him as an authority for anything.

My fault for not being explicit about how I was using the pronouns. When I say “us doing anything to him” , I am not referring to me as a player character going back in time to raid anything. I’m talking about “us” as mortals having been there in the original canon timeline to oppose and kill him with wisps to begin with. The events that the caverns of time raid was intended to preserve in Hyjal and keep that same outcome…never acknowledged or mentioned or even emotionally being reacted to by the Archimonde in the Warlords of Draenor Hellfire Citadel Raid fight. Thus…every indication we see in the actual game makes it seem like the Archimonde we fight in the Hellfire Citadel raid “NEVER” existed in or visited our timeline or universe ever before.

If we are going to exclude people who worked at blizzard and made canon materials because we dislike their work then there sort of is… no canon at all. Its loosely held up headcanon. Canon has to have a central authority.

I for sure dislike most of what spilled out of afrasiabi’s noggin for example, but I do not think we can just dismiss it because we dislike him.


He was the lead narrative designer and so did establish story beats. Not liking said beats, doesn’t make them not canon.

Look it’s the same Archimonde. Much like how the Kil’jaeden AU Gul’dan talked to, was our Kil’jaeden. They spoke on AU Draenor and they continued speaking after Archimonde’s death and he was thrown into the Black Gate into Azeroth. We can’t have an AU Archimonde and a MU Kil’jaeden in this scenario.

I will admit that the whole “One Legion, All Timelines” wasn’t properly conveyed in game, but Blizzard did establish in interviews that it was our Legion, our Archimonde, our Mannoroth.


But why would he? None of the key figures that were there at Mount Hyjal are present in the WoD encounter. No Malfurion, Tyrande, Thrall or Jaina. Instead we had Khadgar, AU Grom and AU Yrel. There is no reason to make a reference to the battle for mount hyjal.

And as mentioned before, it seems that Blizzard does not consider the mount hyjal raid to be ‘canon’. Given that the raid is never mentioned in Chronicles vol 3. (The only mention of Mount Hyjal in the TBC section is on page 138 and it merely references the events of WC3 without mentioning the caverns of time). While every other TBC raid is covered.

And yes I am aware that, “just because Chronicles doesn’t mention it does not mean it is not canon”. I am the one who references that quote on occasion. But to not reference a major raid in TBC’s line up is evidence towards it being not canon.

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