Been back to WoW for about a week now and I hardly ever see anyone talk in general/zone chat. Out in questing areas, even in dragon isles, it’s completely silent; you ask questions and nobody answers. Might as well be playing a single player game at this point, where’s the “massive multiplayer” gone?
It has changed,and its a damn shame,i do try to help if someone has a question or needs help,
It’s still there.
If you want to chat in-game…start chatting.
The game got too massive for the multiplayer.
That sounds like a joke, but I’m 100% serious. There’s too many areas and not enough people to fill them. The leveling process is also so abbreviated and streamlined, it doesn’t take enough time to slow people down enough to be in the same areas other than the highest level areas.
Furthermore, there’s no need to socialize, between LFD/LFR and the general pathetic ease of queueable content, there’s absolutely no incentive to talk to anyone else unless you’re looking for a guild.
And few enough people bother even talking in guild chat; everyone’s in discord these days.
It happens a bit in classic if you want to give that a crack.
Best you’ll get is insults in retail if you don’t play perfectly
Sharding happened OP.
I stole it.
None interact with one another but through me.
It died the moment you made this post
Is Malygos high, medium, or low pop? If looking Alliance then go to Moonguard. If you’re looking for Horde, go Wyrmcrest Accord.
People aren’t social in RL, why would an MMO be any different?
It’s an awfully one sided conversation
Personally I hope WoW becomes even less social.
Hell is other people.
They went to discord. Chatting in the game and saying the wrong thing can lead to bans.
i have no desire to interact with players in-game that i don’t know on WoW anymore.
Forums are different cuz i know yall are awesome possums.
Most of people level in dungeons these days.
Quests are also very streamlined. There are no elite quests to lfm for, no ridiculously low drop rates or respawn times to complain about, no PvP to call out. There’s barely any downtime or travel time between quests to fill with conversations.
There isn’t even a good sense of who you’re talking to. It’s just a random set of people that you can’t even /who. So you don’t know the vibe of people like you would do back in the days reading the zone chat. So nobody wants to be the first to speak up or respond.
Wonder how often the “there’s no socialising” people actually try to start conversations
Same thing that happened to Usenet: the trolls and spammers and needless arguments eventually drove most people away.
I was never terribly active in the chat channels, but I’ve long since abandoned them myself.
A good many people have been driven away from these forums too. I’m sometimes a little surprised I’m still here.
Seriously you might enjoy classic if that’s what you’re looking for. I have a couple characters on a Season of Discovery server. The vibe is very much what you’re describing. Friendlier, but also a slower pace. Not so rushed like modern dungeons. People will take the time to chill and chat.