Where'd the damage go?

…Is it just me or did the patch just kill Templar? I’m having a really tough time bursting people.

Same feeling here, meanwhile a MW monk can burst me down in 2 cds.

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Light’s Hammer seems to have caught an undocumented ~50% nerf to its damage. Add on any PvP reduction and you’re going to be tickling anyone you’re fighting instead of threatening them.

Templar does no damage its so funny.

Also whoever decided the “reimplementation” of hammer of ligbt should be fired. How is it acceptable to have the damage come out before the damn animation and sound?

Hammer of light doesnt move healthbars

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Where did you check this? Hammer of light always had a pvp modifier from day 1(stupid I know) but if another one is showing then they might be double dipping.

I was told divine hammer would fix it all though. Guess that was a lie

gotta put the damage somewhere with templar’s. DH is proccing more empyrean hammers then you guys used to (the damage ticks has a chance to drops hammers)

Yeah, DPS output is not what it was at all and the Hammer of Light is just a flyswatter it feels like, as well as not hitting as an AOE- it’s not even working as a cone effect. Checking damage logs shows its hitting the highlighted target only.

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Divine hammer is not gonna do a thing in pvp we are not in melee range ever lmao.

This is clearly a pvp thread…

Just putting an anecdote there. PVP damage balance is always done after pve balance, and since more hammers drops in pve if using DH, then they need to take the damage out from somewhere.

And here we need a gap closer, having range will never fix us in pvp unless they 100% design us for range in all content. As in no longer a melee spec (which would be dumb, a plate wearing with giant hamemr standing in the back-lines dpsing. kek.)

I know hoe much you wish we were melee with leaps and all that stuff. We are not

You cannot comeback and say “well akshually if we werent always playing at range divine hammer would work and would warrant a nerf to hammer of light ermm yes”

Reality is we are not melee, we are balanced around having range, right now hammer of light is doing no damage and divine hammer is not the justification for a seemingly “hidden” nerf.

Also it wasnt menationed in the patch notes. Divine hammer allowing almost an extra hammer of light in pve vs nothing in pvp is a very big discrepancy in the viability of the spell

Can’t call label a spec melee, without them having melee mechanics, which we do, and just hope a pray that we always will be okish at range. Not how design works.

Because we are designed in melee in mind first. FV/BoJ having range was tacked on AFTER the ret redesign. We have numerous talents that only works in melee still.
The cake is a lie.

We are not balanced to be in range. Sorry, but not sorry. We will always be designed with melee in mind first.

Remember blizz even said the range on FV/BoJ is a band-aid until they figure out a proper gap closer for paladins.

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We are balanced with the range in pvp. Come on do I have to explain this?

CSSA/TS/EP/EL/HoL/Wake and more begs to differ.

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This game isn’t balanced around PvP. Also we aren’t ranged. If you at range your dps is gonna suffer a lot.

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We have pvp specific modifiers buddy. The xesign may be pve but numbers are tuned with pvp in mind

You cant avoid being in ramge because you get kited all the time. Yes being in melee is the most optimal choice but if you do any pvo you should know by now we dont spend much time if any in melee ramge…

I checked my combat logs pre-patch and compared the damage with post patch numbers. This is PvE stuff, and it’s noticeably weaker post patch, so in PvP with the additional modifiers, it’s going to be even weaker, I’d imagine.

The patch notes mentioned Empyrean Hammers getting a nerf, but nothing about Hammer of Light itself, so I don’t know if Blizzard messed something up when “reworking” the spell, as they stated. Maybe it’s not taking Mastery into account or something.

templar is dead sadly if they dont fix HoL dmg… i do about 900k against PvP players with all things stacked. I dont want to go herald…

The nerf must have been implemented mid day because the first 4 lobbies i was in I was hitting 2.5mil no stacks no amp and hitting 4mil with FR and Judgement debuff. Logged in today and my hammers full crusade stacks, judgement and FR hits for 1.2mil. Plus it feels like it doesnt crit at all anymore.

Can confirm, fr trinket dawn and hammer od light is doing 1.4M…

Man why do we even pay a sub at this point