Where'd the damage go?

638 pvp ilvl did 2.4 mil hammer on pvp dummy. Seems about right

Templar is broken for me atm…I cant get anywhere near what I use to push DPS wise since patch dropped, granted I’ve only done a few PvP rounds so far. Has anyone tried herald of the sun? Is it any better? Or do I just stick to an alt until they fix templar?


I’m glad I’m not the only person experiencing this; I was ashamed of my performance!

It appears as though someone deployed the patch after modifying our skillset in undocumented ways. It’s truly as if certain abilities are up to a 50-100% complete nullification.


The numbers appear to tick (sometimes) on dummies and non-player targets but (like with rogue, recently) fighting players gets you completely dunked. It feels like a completely gutted class in comparison to a few days ago.


@Blizz; Verify your staff? I’ve submitted information to your hacks@blizzard.com email regarding specific groups of ‘adults’ acting like children with credentials that can get them into companies to break up the consistency of well-known platforms so people are urged to relocate to alternatives that end up being malicious (but provide an online experience; gaming included). - A little dramatic, for certain - but it’s unfortunately a legitimate, active concept. They end up being the same people that engage in exploitation of competition through cheating, “hacking” or otherwise. It’s cringe.

The releases from ‘A War Within’ honestly seem completely riddled with random holes dug that don’t meet consistency with your prior releases and Paladin/Rogue are just 1 recent example.

I have crit the dornoga pvp dummy for 5M before that is not a metric to follow. In pvo matches is not doing damage. 1.4M fully buffed is a meme and nowhere near close what we used to do

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Retribution was one of the worst 3v3 class, and blizzard chose to nerf it even more instead of buffing, while buffing already S tier classes, good job? crazy

Please stop comparing PVE to PVP, its not the same !

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