Where would you be if not for video games?

Id be a billionaire participating in the space race. Feelsbad

I’d be going to an audition. I have been working on my voice since I was nine and I wouldn’t stop if my free time wasn’t taken up by WoW. I would double down and seek out more opportunities

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How do I explain this without breaking tos hmmm lets go with “I wouldn’t be”, video games distract me and keep my mind busy the moment I’m not distracted my mind starts to think of well not great thoughts so

I’d be playing way more pen and paper rpg’s.

I’m pretty sure I’d be in jail. :laughing: :hugs:

I would read hardcopies in a chair instead of listening to them while I WoW.


I’d probably be playing a bunch of other games instead, and probably not as much either, so I’d probably also work more on my hobbies as well.

If games never existed I’d either be a golf nut or 4wheeling/hunting/fishing redneck ( because of where I live). I most definitely wouldn’t be working in an office because I wouldn’t like computers and such.

If wow shut down, I’d be playing other games.

Edit: I’d probably be married with kids by now too lol. Since I’d be out and about instead of inside

I can honestly say it would be easy for me to leave WoW. My decision to return during the pandemic after so many expansions I missed out served it’s purpose. I stayed home safe and the game kept me entertained when the gyms were closed my usual routine after work and I couldn’t go out clubbing during the weekends. I would probably train more if I stopped playing or watch TV and movies to occupy time. The only other video games I am into are motion based on the Nintendo Switch like Ring Fit Adventure or Fitness Boxing.

i do fitness to much now and work just simpler since from home which awesome for them gave everyone that they could a choice which makes it way simpler i don’t have to look busy for however long when done. honestly games never consumed me to the point i didn’t have a decent life outside of it no matter how hard game companies try never. all they do is save me money when i’m bored cause games are pretty cheap.

likely i would go back to programming/coding to make some video games, or at least just any software genre