Where would you be if not for video games?

Let’s say video games never got popular. Or wow has shut down. Or life threw you a curve ball and now you cannot play anymore. What would you be doing instead of playing wow?
Would your life be dramatically different?

Me I think I would be a fitness nut. I would replace coffee and cigarettes with protein shakes. My hours of grinding in Korthia would be spent on a bench press or cycling around town. I would be healthier, but I think I’d have an itch that only WoW could scratch.

What about you?

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Playing IRL sports.

I’m pretty sure I’d just waste my time with something else equally unproductive.


Probably playing more D&D or getting more work out.

Probably not the homeless shelter.

Without going into too much detail… probably dead

Doubt it… Video Games are a diversion and hobby. They don’t dictate the direction of my life.


Drink booze and yell at all the people making noise outside.

Yadi yadi yada… dead.

Huh? I dont get it

Sometimes the details are what make the story haha.
But I get it, it can be personal.

More writing and art.

Its just you can get banned if you talk too dark here.


Yeah, its been said, but without getting too dark, probably in a hole in the ground.

Hard to tell really.

My high school years, when I first picked up WoW and started gaming heavily, were spent in a tiny dead one-stoplight town. While I can’t say for certain I think I probably would’ve gotten into a fair deal more trouble. But then again, games were one of the things my high school social circle bonded with, so I might’ve just ended up being a lot more bored and alone – even without games I would’ve been nerdy and not the slightest shred athletic which greatly limits the range of outcomes.

WoW ate a lot of the time I should’ve been spending on studying in both high school and college, so I think I would’ve done better on both of those, but it probably would’ve been a wash because the degree I was going for nigh-pointless and I ended up in a well-paid programming job even without good school performance, so :man_shrugging:

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Probably be addicted to alcohol and have a bunch of kids I can’t afford.

Hole in the ground. Video games helped get me through some of the darker times of my childhood by keeping my mind off things or letting me vent in a healthy manner.

Without them I’d easily be dead.

CEO of Marvel Comics or my own indy studio.

Bored. Very, very bored.