Where were the Slime Cat in LFR complains before today?

Someone posted a picture. If you drill down on those three achievements it says “any difficulty.”


This was posted by a blue 17 hours ago about conduits, and seems to suggest that LFR will not be fated.

  • With 278 becoming the new Normal item level for Fated Raids, conduits on Fated Normal/Heroic/Mythic raids will drop 278. (LFR will drop 265).



I think the mount looks totally hideous but I would’ve gone for it if it was in LFR. I haven’t really enjoyed raiding since Wrath but I like doing LFR here and there for completion’s sake. This entire debacle showcases Blizzard’s recurring communication problems. We have other raid achieves that say “normal difficulty or higher” this one clearly says “any difficulty.”

It also would’ve been nice to see some life brought back to the CN and SoD LFR queues.


There’s an issue with the following achievements that S4 just show up:

There’s not a Normal: XXXXX Raid name achievement.

if you check any achievement that’s called Castle Nathria , Sanctum or Sepulcher with an alt that only did a single LFR wing, you’ll notice that maybe your main character has it completed from runs on N, H, M but your alts have progress on the same achievement on the bosses that this alt cleared on LFR.

If you pick a fresh alt right now and clear all SoFO with that alt, the achievement that contains “any difficulty” will trigger.

I think for the next week LFR will be an option and this is a mistake from Devs, since there’s not a Normal: Raid achievement and probably they copy the same achievements code for the new fated raids… in conclusion Normal and LFR are possible optiones for the base “any difficulty” and there’s not an achievement only for Normal.

This monkey has a lot of fingers.


So it does. Thanks.

Well, maybe Blizzard will change their mind, or maybe people who want it bad enough will need to interact with other humans.

I’m actaully not going to touch this one if it were a grantee drop then they pulled it ,yucks !

People are sick of the raids by now. That is the real issue.

Just do normal bro.

Eh its hard to find groups, maybe it wont be once the season starts.

And this is why they made the decision they did. They needed a bit of pick me up in token sales numbers.

This makes me sad… I would have actually made an effort to get it.



Yeah, let’s remove all the effort required for any mounts

You should get the 500 mount reward just for logging in because you don’t have time to actually grind and it’s not fair!

Seriously, you guys act like the sky is falling because you have to take one tiny step outside your comfort zone to earn something

You won’t die, I promise :wink:


Click on each fated raid in the cheevo


Thanks, you’re the 4th person to say that.

But more importanly, THAT’S your UI? Bruh… :nauseated_face:

Finding the groups will be hard or cost a lot.

To be honest, I was really expecting it to be a heroic-only reward.

Maybe it being a reward from normals ain’t so bad after all, eh?

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Once again good luck finding anyone to run normals with unless your guild raids.


With this change I won’t be playing in Season 4. I have physical difficulties that make it difficult to raid. (not impossible.) but very difficult and I don’t want to inflict my lack of ability on a raid group in normal or higher.


Some mounts require no effort and always did. The tree we all voted on was a login reward.

This was a mount listed for all difficulties. It’s not something that was always listed for just normal difficulty.

I use to do normals and heroics all the time. It should be in LFR too. You won’t die if a casual has the mount.