Where to send HC toon

is there ANY actually active era realm? i transfered a 40 warrior i lost the other day to arugal, logged in at various times over the weekend and never saw anyone talking in any world channel, nobody in /who… complete ghost town… just wondering if anyone knows of any decently populated realm, so when i lose another higher level toon, i can send it somewhere populated lol…

If your looking for lots of people, Whitemane (PvP) is probably the most populated server followed by Mankirk (PvE) as for the other servers, there are some very small populations on Deviate and Grob.

Most of the servers have a free transfer to a populated server if you transferred to one you don’t want to stay on, another option is create a level one alt, check out the server, usually when you go into the capital cities you will see people or not, and the AH is always a good indicator on how empty a server is.

Alternatively if your not planning to play/level on the non HC server, simply don’t transfer, but don’t delete your character, if then you decide later you want to switch, figure out the best server then.


Great question!

The WoW Classic realms were made into clusters a few years back. Here are the relevant 6 clusters for NA:

Note that Deviate Delight and Grobbulus are not on that list, but are RPPVP servers, and are on their own, respectively.

From what some people have posted, the Mankrik PVE cluster, and the Whitemane PVP clusters are quite active. Deviate Delight has recently had a community-drive “Fresh” initiative and is presumably also relatively active.

There are some posts about Grobbulus guilds, each faction seems to have 1 raiding guild that raids weekends, and have been keeping the server going.

Ironforge.Pro has some info on population based on raid logs from a few weeks ago (apparently) that were uploaded to WarcraftLogs, so is unlikely to be a very accurate source for general activitiy.

I was trying to find some of the more recent posts discussing populations. Someone posted about some activity cropping up on the Faerlina/Benediction cluster for example, but a quick scan through recent posts didn’t turn up a ton of links to add.

Anyway, good luck out there!



whitemane for pvp and mankrik for pve. simple as :expressionless:

Thanks for thinking of us and linking the latest post sir :saluting_face: :cheese:

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I tried grobbulus once but it was 0 people in all the leveling zones :expressionless: too lonely

Indeed! We are very level 60 content focused, so leveling is mostly a solo journey

Yea but as it stands I think there is still a restriction in place to where if you move it over to a PvE real then it is forever stuck on PvE realms and that if you send it to a PvP realm then it is forever stuck on PvP realms. Unless that restriction has changes. There are still a few realms very active for Ally side from what I have seen. PvP realms are usually the more active ones but the downside of that is the fact that most are extremely imbalanced.

So dont look online for most populated realm and just hop in with no research. If it is a PvP realm and you move to the most active one. you may find that it is one of those that is 99% one faction causing the massive population spike while the other faction is near dead…and sorry to say but in todays day and age of current WoW…the dead faction is usually the Alliance on those realms. So do your research ask around. Make scout toons on the realm you want to move to. What you read online can differ from what you find in game.

AFAIK, as long as there have been transfers, there have never been restrictions preventing PVP server to Normal server transfers.

I think currently the free transfers are limited to PvE to PvE, but think you can do a paid transfer from PvE to PvP.

So they changed that then. Back in the day you used to be on PvE or PvP realms forever on the toons that started out there. Yet another reason why I quit playing the new Blizzard’s version of Classic.

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I don’t think there has ever been a restriction that you could not transfer from a PVP realm to a Normal realm, other than if those realms were locked for transfers or transfers did not exist. It was that you could not transfer from a Normal realm to a PVP realm, but not the other way around, as far as I recall at least.

And if I recall correctly, they removed the restriction such that you could transfer from a Normal realm to a PVP realm some time mid-late TBC (OG TBC, around 2007).

You can transfer from hc to a pvp realm without problems

Once you transfer off HC though, your more limited in where you can free transfer, so its better to make the correct decision when you first transfer, for example don’t transfer to Mankirk then decide you want to be on Whitemane which would require you to pay for a transfer.