Where to park for patch day?

Thinking about where to park my toons before pre-patch. 1st time through, didn’t know what to expect. This time we have a better idea. So, I’m thinking of interesting or advantageous locations to login.

1st that comes to mind is Badlands where Deathwing crashes down. Might be a good place to get a ‘killed by’ achievement right off the bat. And could be the 1st on the server to punch Deathwing in the nose. :smiley: There are places you can get cata fish from Azeroth zones. I may park one there. A lower level toon since already capped to 450 fishing would need to train up 1st. Major city would be cool. some area that will drastically change. Or maybe a rare spawn point, hoping to nab one while people are doing other stuff.

If copy character on the beta is any indication of where to park a character then choose Northrend or Outland. Toons that were in areas that have a drastic revamp had issues logging in as the coordinates they were no longer existed.

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lol I was thinking about that too, put one right where the chasm will be and see if you login falling to your death. Non-existent probably worse. I better not. :o