Where is the resolution for Teldrassil and why does Blizzard hate Night Elves?

The writers are pro-horde, notice how they get away with war crimes every few years and have NO consequence because the blame gets shifted to the warchief? Meanwhile alliance get screwed over in content AND story.

The storytelling has been non existent for a while now.

  • Losing one of the last well written characters that wasn’t insane in Saurfang
  • Tyrsfall Glade, completely ruined, Undercity’s above ground entrance blocked.
  • Another Warchief goes insane / dictator mode because they wrote off the previous one to force another faction war.
  • The Warchief title completely gone away with, to avoid future scenarios even though it’s completely the fault of the writers.
  • Thrall’s forced out of retirement to replace the written off characters.

But sure…

I’m half inclined to agree that this is a bad thing. Just like… leave the Horde alone for a bit. :tired_face: Please I beg.

If your curious on how the Alliance can relate to the Horde’s pain… just look at Tyrande. :slightly_smiling_face:


Apparently what I said airplaned over your head completely. You see “Muh Frat Boi Culture” was just one aspect of it. Certainly it was a big one. And anyone who’s been into gaming for more than the past couple of decades (which certainly includes Mr’s Morhaime, Metzen, etc.) would have read the forum rants and heard the stories about Fires of Heaven. Most of us old Everquest players lived through those times and some of us had female friends or aquaintances that bumped into them. Certainly enough to know that it wasn’t their leader that changed, it was the times. And all this nonsense of whether Morhaime knew? Of course he knew. You don’t hire C level employees and not know what you’re in for. I don’t buy the denial one bit. It’s just that it didn’t become a big deal until the State of California found legal grounds to come after them with a headsman’s axe.

But that’s not what I’m talking about. What I’m talking about is their C suite people trying to buy prosecution “indulgences” by catering to the IdPol “Woke Brigade”. First with Geek and Sundry, then with Anita Sarkeesian, then with the Fair Play Alliance, and finally all the IdPol grifters and charities that they donate to now. To the point where dissent with these people’s message is not tolerated in any form.

At the end of the day did any of this keep the chickens from coming home to roost? No. The scummy behavior was outed. Their treatment of their lower tier employees was also outed. The only problem was, rather than better treatment being afforded these employees along the lines of the law and pay grade it happened along the lines of Identity Politics. So bad behavior is simply being compounded.

Yes I know precisely what I’m blaming Blizzard for. Yes, Blizzard IS responsible. It has promoted, condoned, and caused what I’m referring to.

Okay. But that’s a different case with a different set of particulars that isn’t relevant. Yes, corporate mismanagement seems to be a common thing. But I’m not obliged to call out every company, corporation, and conglomerate when I wish to speak about the one right in front of me.

That’s nice. But I didn’t ask.

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I agree but you have also to remember that the Forsaken came off clean without any causalities. If both sides have lost equally much then it would have been acceptable. But this did not happen because the Horde-biased writers - and especially Danuser - cares more for the undead Windrunner sister and the Thanos-character then anything else. Doesn’t help either that he admitted liking Game of Thrones season 8: It reflects the World of Warcraft story quality immensely.

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Elune didn’t know they were being siphoned into the Maw, she thought they would be sent to Ardenweald to aid the Winter Queen and their cries for help as their land was dying from lack of anima. She even said it herself that she condemned her own people for nothing.

How do you figure losing their capital and basically all their major lore characters as without any casualties?

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Most of Undercity has been evacuated. It was the third or fourth objective, shortly before the Alliance attacked.

Have you actually played both scenarios during that time, Tarrok?

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Yes. It was a great way to make sure the Alliance came out squeaky clean and prevent the horde player from feeling like they were doing anything other than defending the nonsensically villain batted sylvanas after she just did the worst thing done in game. Lucky Horde.

Again. Undercity was lost, the horde story as envisioned from WC3 was utterly destroyed. All of the existing Forsaken lore characters were taken away from them, and you’re here saying that nothing happened to the UD/horde and acting like I’m the one who didn’t play those scenarios in which the story team abused the horde AND tried to guilt trip us over the nonsense that THEY wrote us into doing?

You are missing the point here and what’s the topic about it. No interest in discussing the Night Elf genocide when you just dance around the elephant in the room.

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Oh please, this is probably another of Ethriel’s ignore the lore to pretend that the night elves are the absolutely worst treated race in the game and that the developers actively hate the night elf players and so on and so forth.

Yes. The BFA was a complete cluster for both sides, I don’t deny it, I don’t deny Night Elves got shafted. But I take offense when people like you try to make it that not only did the Horde not get screwed over in the story TOO, you have the freaking gall to try and present it as if the Horde came out of that atrocity of story in a strong place and that it didn’t actively guilt trip the horde player for believing the original story that the Horde wasn’t the evil thing that most fantasy makes the monster factions out to be.


I thought it was just me.

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Bro but like you set my tree on fire bro

Was there like a reason she didn’t just swing by her sister’s place and be like “So wasssup?” cuz doesn’t she do it later?

They added mercenary mode for pvp back in WoD though when the Alliance dominated pvp and had much longer queues than the Horde. So sure blame blizzard, but they didn’t do it for the Horde.

Also nice to see that Ethriel got a new account to post on, what happened to the old one?

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I just finished levelling a new character on Teldrassil and forgot how much I enjoyed it. Beautiful zone/engaging questline the whole thing gets you immersed. Took it as slow as I could didn’t end up leaving until 18.

I don’t follow Horde that closely and not sure what happened on their side in relation to that incident. The only justice I feel is satisfying is that all who took part or supported in that event be thrown out of the Horde and some form of imprisonment if there’s any peace talks between Horde/Alliance in the future.

Has there been anything worse than that from Blizzard toward any of the playable races? Nothing comes to mind. Not sure what to make of it from the viewpoint of Blizzard since they have all the power in what happens. Then they at least have an opportunity for some vengeance in the Tyrande vs Sylvanas scene if Tyrande wuld’ve at least ended Sylvanas but they couldn’t even do that little.

I imagine most Blizzard plays Horde at these stages of development and since the beginning of the game the Horde always had issues with the Alliance Night Elf. It’s probably some of these later people working there living out their Horde fantasy.

The most ridiculous thing in it all is Horde never thinks that Night Elf and to a lesser extent Alliance deserves anything, even after years and years of being screwed to the point of complete F’d up ness while acting like they’re all fair and balanced about everything. The entitlement of Horde players would be unreal if I didn’t witness it myself for years and years.

Humans showed their true colors as well, don’t think that’s lost in all of it. There will hopefully come a day where the Night Elf are in a faction separate from Human and more of a faction closer in line with their wildkin.

I can’t decide between these 2:


Idk fam maybe Elune got a new phone number or somethin


And there were originally a handful more of them, some of them were taken down because they were so over the top with actual accusations of being genocide-supporters and terrible human beings against the developers.

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Ohhh THAT’S what the runes in the new patch are going to be!