Where is the resolution for Teldrassil and why does Blizzard hate Night Elves?

When Blizzard had the Night Elves lose everything in BfA (their zones, their home, their people were wiped out, they lost a war,…), they completely ignored them for the rest of the expansion (with the exception of Nathanos defeating Night Warrior Tyrande in 8.1 until Malfurion intervened).
In interviews they said that the Night Elves would get some resolution or closure in Shadowlands, but we’re now more than halfway through and there’s still nothing? So far:

  • We found out that the Night Elf souls that were victims of genocide and death by burning were tortured for an eternity in the maw, we freed a very small portion of them and then they were obliterated mostly, there was a missed opportunity to let us free the souls

  • The Night Warrior didn’t achieve anything except killing Nathanos who wanted to die because he wanted to meet Sylvanas in the maw. When Tyrande finally faced off against Sylvanas, she lost because Elune decides that she doesn’t want her children to achieve justice (You know… she could’ve decided that earlier and not in the most crucial moment… but oh well I guess they wanted to throw Sylvanas another victory against her victims)

  • instead of getting justice against the Horde or Sylvanas, we are forced to choose renewal although the night elf souls were obliterated in the maw, the night elves are mostly dead and their zones are also taken by the Horde or destroyed. And we’re also told that Elune sent the Night Elf souls to the maw to be obliterated later, so I guess their goddess just hates them?

  • They never got their zones back or a new home

  • Sylvanas gets to get away with everything because of bad writing and so does the Horde, the Horde even got to keep Ashenvale after the war ended

  • They haven’t gotten a positive moment or a win ever after Teldrassil.

It is safe to say that Blizzard lied and that they were never going to give us a resolution for Teldrassil or even positive development at all. With Elune telling us to shut up and get over it now, I guess this was also the final nail in the coffin for a resolution for Teldrassil.

Why does Blizzard hate Night Elves and their players and why do they try to make the story so unbearable for them? To make them quit? I don’t get it.


It’s unbearable for everyone.


Sylvanas is so strong. You guys.



Stop living in 640x480 treehouses

When you play horde you get 2560x1440


Well you know, small inde company so things take time


Why do I feel like I’ve read this somewhere before? Like Word-for-word.


You’ve gotta create your own resolution bro, I personally plant a Darnassus Banner on every Orc/Forsaken I kill in Orgrimmar / Warmode.

You can get the banner from doing ToC dailies in Icecrown


this is why i think this whole expac is an illusion created by n’zoth. we’re all dreaming


Honestly if you’re a night elf fan at this point you’re kinda bringing it on yourself. I used to really like night elves but I eventually came to the conclusion that Blizzard just really doesn’t like them. They use them as the jobbers, the worfs. They’re the first to get invaded any time a conflict needs to happen.

Just move on and you’ll feel better for it.


As stupid as it sounds, the devs literally called 8.1 the resolution for the Night Elves in BfA. It resolved nothing, but it goes to show how they plan a narrative.


The resolution for night elves was Tyrande telling you all to move on and not be angry and “turn over a new leaf” because renewal or some garbage like that.


You got that cool burnt face customization. What more do you want?


It’ll come after the restorations of Camp Taurejo and Gnomeregan.

Edit: and Gilneas and Sentinel Hill



That’s because you play Alliance, who can “do no wrong”. The writers will never have Alliance get revenge because they see it as not their way.


I don’t think I’d go so far as to say “Blizzard hates night elves”, but there was definitely something deeply unsatisfying with basically being told, “Hey, you have no right to be angry when your people suffer a horrifying genocide,” by the narrative. I think the devs were going for a “more violence isn’t the answer to violence” angle, which is fine, but ultimately their handling of it resulted instead in de-legitimizing any anger one might feel towards the murder of thousands.


IT IS so funny that Night Elves are expecting some sort of respect now like the transition from warcraft to world of warcraft didn’t destroy their orginal design and you’ve been nothing but humanity lap dogs for years but now y’all want something.


night fae quest to save souls night elf souls.

Brought a new elune tear to the winter queen allowing the night fae to fully restore the heart.
Tbh its bad writing across the board.

To summarize what happened.

Elune: I’m a genius!
Elune: Oh no! Anyways.
Elune: Lmao oops something something forgiveness and renewal I’m literally the worst goddess ever!


That would be good plot development. Not sure the writers could handle that.


I do like the forgiveness angle, but I don’t like what they did to Elune.

Edit: “Renewal” was the better word.