Where is the outrage?

How is hunter not viable. You’re one of the 2 most brought classes for M+, you’re solid in pvp, and one of the better classes for raiding that most guilds bring 3 of. Yet you’re in tears cause what… you can’t afk BM anymore? and you have to play a spec that requires thinking?

Kinda ironic coming from a DH that literally has a degenerate gameplay and rotation.

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Top 3 classes people want in their M+ are Fmage, Boomies and Windwalkers. Edit: Fair amount of players still like outlaw rogue for shroud. There is currently only 2 hunters in the top 100 IO DPS leaderboard.
Hunter in PVP are memes
We’re at a descent spot in raid currently, about top 6-7 with MM. However our two other specs are both sharing the last spot. And with the nerf MM will be relegated to bottom tier spec making all 3 hunter spec way below average.


No idea where you’re getting your information from, but everything you just said was completely wrong.

MM is brought in a decent amount to M+ for situational burst, and it’s in the top 10, but there are other specs you want to bring if you’re really intending to push keys. Fire Mages, Outlaw Rogues, Vengeance Demon Hunters, and Balance Druids are all more desirable than MM. For up to 15 (maybe even 20) play, though, MM is a solid choice. BM and SV are terrible choices, and are almost never chosen for M+ play.

MM does well in raids, but it’s sitting close to the middle. BM and SV are both dead last, and are usually brought to fill a slot, you are in a guild and they bring you anyway, or you’re needed for a specific fight. Overall BM and SV are unneeded in raids, though.

I’m unsure about PvP because I don’t PvP, but from what I understand, there are some viable joke builds around MM, but BM and SV are terrible in PvP.

Your information is outdated, wrong, and you really need to stop believing everything you read/hear.

To your comment about “afk BM” you really have been living under a rock. BM hasn’t been able to do that since TBC, or even Vanilla. And even then it wasn’t used for top level content. It was meme that people made up about a spec. It’s not true at all. BM has not been viably able to “afk” and still do well. This spec isn’t as brain dead as people make it out to be. Yes it is easier than some specs, but it still has mechanics and shortcomings that you have to deal with to be parse well and be viable.


Well I dunno about arenas because I didn’t do them, but BM was very good for raiding in BC.

BM and Surv need some heavy buffs

I have quapla and I’m venthry, almost no difference in damage on ptr

I was referring to this “afk” thing he was talking about (where you set your pet on aggressive). Not BM in general. BM in general was pretty good for raiding in TBC.

I recall in TBC being top damage on Brutallus in sunwell pulling 3k+ (i think?) as BM with 3 buttons: a steady shot macro, pressing BW, pressing drums on when it was my turn. Oh and the RL rotating heroism into our party, which was stacked with other BM hunter’s Ferocious Inspiration. Pet’s even got hero then!

The double warglaive rogue was salty that he lost and it was glorious :laughing:


It’s been quite a long time since BC, but as I recall BM was very high damage, and very simple to play where the biggest regular decision was every 2 minutes - Fel Mana pot or Haste pot.

Who puts PI on the Hunter, better off throwing it on the tank. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:[quote=“Loriandis-senjin, post:41, topic:880472, full:true”]
How is hunter not viable. You’re one of the 2 most brought classes for M+, you’re solid in pvp, and one of the better classes for raiding that most guilds bring 3 of. Yet you’re in tears cause what… you can’t afk BM anymore? and you have to play a spec that requires thinking?

The only reason hunters were viable was do to a broken interaction with the Night Fet Cov ability that was fixed which resulted in a 10% DPS decrease on multi target. We are very restricted in PvP being completely irrelevant outside of our 2 min burst CD.

I’m in the same boat. It feels like I’m being pushed to play another class when I don’t want to.

So I started this thread 14 days ago. Tomorrow 9.0.5 drops and what changes have Hunter got.

PvE MM Night Fey hunters took a solid nerf

PvE BM Hunters got a slight buff.

Nothing still changed that will make Hunters more viable in the current PvP meta except now we don’t die in a single global to Rets, it will take 2-3.

Do we actually think anything will happen in 9.1 also?

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BM really didn’t get a buff. The crappy leggo that few like to use it still best. Another leggo is closer to it but still not quite as good.

Why do people keep referring to the interaction between SST and WS as a bug or exploit. What language used by blizzard, or in the spells descriptions make this a bug. And to use the word exploit, as if its some nefarious act of the player is incredibly disingenuous.

Blizzard has known about this since beta, they have kept other spells with similar interactions, and removed others. This is a flat out nerf, not a bug fix.

Change my mind.


The simple fact that they fixed it implies it was a bug. It was an interaction that was never said to work the way it did in the tool tip.

I am just frustrated that the interaction was changed reducing MM dps and nothing was given back to hunters. Now maybe all 3 specs will be at the bottom of the DPS meters.

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They didn’t “fix” it, its not under bug fixes, it’s a change.


Ok, based on that criteria I will agree, based on common sense and MM was in no need for a nerf, I will disagree.

Either way it is done and the little change to Surging Shots won’t come close to making up for it.

My point is I see people using it as an excuse for blizzards motive, nothing about the interaction was game breaking or even that strange. There was no change necessary.

I think calling it a bug or an exploit gives blizzard a leg to stand on, and there really isn’t one, hunters were in a decent spot and nerfing them makes zero sense currently.


MM PvE hunters we in a descent spot I totally agree and I was (don’t laugh) hoping Bliz was going to raise the damage of MM overall to make up for PvE nerf and help it’s PvP viability.