Where is the outrage?

So they release preliminary patch notes for 9.0.5 and somewhat 9.1. No where am I seeing the needed changes that will make hunter as a whole viable.

As a hunter community have we just got beat down so often that we are just used to it and have just tapped out and playing Ret alts hoping for better days.

We had our 2 weeks in the sunshine and the start of SL so blizz has proved they know how to make us competitive, so let’s set our expectation there and demand they make us viable in SLs once again.

It isn’t over, nothing is over until we say it it! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor… NO!


Meh, it’s too early to make any definitive predictions. 9.0.5 is what, a few months from now?

Me, I’m happy if my specs are in the top ten DPS. MM is still clunky and the legendaries for the entire class need a detailed revision, but we’re also looking at higher ilvl, and with it, higher stats and changing stat weights.

9.0.5 is scheduled for March.

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9.05 is a few weeks from now. It’s on the PTR and confirmed to release in March.

Love your argument but please change German to Japan

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Oof. Movie quote awareness FTW.

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Oh, dang. Still, not too worried so long as hunters remain competitive. If they don’t…well.

I see a young un’!

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Wish i was young i just dont remember the reference



MM legendary is getting nerfed, MM has received so many nerfs that is now almost at the bottom in the raid tier, and they are nerfing again!

“SerpentStalker’s Trickery no longer triggers Wild Spirits twice”

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Where are you seeing MM is bottom? Warcraftlogs doesn’t show this.

Are you playing Shadowlands or some other game?

Did you know about Survival Hunters?

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Check out the SimulationCraft damage logs. I cannot put its link there.

It really shouldn’t trigger it twice. If the only thing that made that legendary good was an unintended exploit then not only is the legendary just bad but MM sounds like MM needs gimmicks just to do decent damage.

I expected that they at least do something to fix the ST damage, if they are fixing this which will reduce the damage output of the MM hunter.

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It’s not really an exploit, as an apparently unintended interaction. One which the devs were told about back in beta.


Sst was clearly a bug. The hunter kit all around is garbage if you take out exploiting wild spirits with sst. The only reason you see the crazy dps numbers is taking advantage of sst bug. It’s no different than going into old content like islands as a BM with rapid reload trait and blasting 50 mobs with chain double procs of wild spirits doing over a million damage in 18 seconds.

The whole class needs a boost. The only viable spec at the end game was only there because of a bug lol.


MM legendaries are just boring. I’ve looked over all of them, and none of them are really exciting: SST is just the least lackluster of the bunch. The thing that ticks me off is there were good legendary items, and Blizzard ain’t using them.


To be fair that seems to be hunters as a whole.

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It was a bug that it did trigger it twice.