Where is the outrage?

I have a topic detail changes to the Beast Mastery spec in the PTR forums. It’s doing well, but I doubt Blizzard evens reads or considers anything in that forum. If they did, we would have seen some changes by now.


Easy place to start with BN.

Make pets survive, make Mastery scale BM attacks and just not pets, make kill shot actually kill and not a mere flesh wound.; “kill shot” critting for 5k … rofl

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Yeah so many tier sets and legion legendaries that were great, and what we got was probably the most boring “new” designs I have seen.

Don’t even get me started on how bad Marksman’s conduits are… they exist in the realm of like 9 DPS increases…

You ever just get discouraged? I was so excited the first time I started playing hunter. Survival in MOP. So much fun. I loved pushing stampede. WOD man was MM fun. Ever since then it just feels like take take take. I had to quit playing in legion. Couldn’t stand playing that version of MM. Then we had hope at the end of BFA. BM was fun! Then Shadow Lands comes out. Oh man MM feels fun. NERF NERF NERF. Mean while other specs get to be god tier again. (I’m looking at you fire mage). All Blizzard does to hunters is FUN DETECTED, FUN DELETED. Makes me want to just quit. I’m not migrating to other classes. I don’t enjoy them. So what do we do?

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I feel the same way. I’ve been playing my hunter since cata with 2.3k arena xp. Playing MM in SL has been so discouraging. Hunter’s bring nothing to the table another class can’t do far better. I’ve always just exclusively played my hunter but its beyond frustrating when I have no where near the same amount of prssure warrior, rets, WW monks, enhance and mages have to name a few. I’ve actually started to level a mage even though I’d much rather play my hunter. I think the most discouraging part is we get 0 feed back from blizzard and they are notorious for not making changes when needed and or waiting far to long before making said changes.

My experience as MM this xpac is small as i switched my main to a lock for raid composition purpose (we had too many hunters and no lock) but i would say MM is far less clunky than at the beginning of BFA. Hunter is in a relatively good spot right now outside of arenas. Meta in mythic+. Pretty good in raid albeit not as good as other range specs like the new convoke spec and affliction but still more than viable in mythic raiding. PVP well it is what it is still not very good but better if you don’t like Surv as it was pretty much the only viable pvp spec in BFA.

But man at the beginning of BFA it was far worse. Steady Aim azerite talent sucked and rapid fire was gimped so much the other talents were meh. BM was very meh before it was broken by an insane amount of crit and VoP/Rapid Reload making both BW and AotW almost permanent as soon as there was 3+ targets. Anyone who went thru the Steady Aim crap should be glad at the state of hunter right now.

Still MM should not be nerfed i agree. It’s in a good spot but when you look at lol fire mage and that new class called convoke for sure hunters don’t need a nerf. The class needs a boost to its defensive CDs in pvp though. Pve wise i’m having a blast playing MM for now even if the sample size is small. Maybe there’s problems i don’t see yet but i would say it looks like in a good spot to me if i compare to the beginning of BFA.

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That’s mostly because MM was an unfinished mess at the start of BFA.

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The issue with hunters in PvP is we actually bring nothing to the table another class cant do better. Look at the ladder representation we are practically non-existent. Really the only ability we have that is unique to hunters that no class has that is better is RoS and its a pet ability from pvp talents, that is quite sad to me. We are a pure dps class that doesn’t even have more damage than hybrid classes that can also spam cc and heal.


Where are the BM buffs? I just don’t get it. It needs 20% and nothing yet, just buffing really bad legendaries that will still never be used.

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They are buffing abilities and when they buff an ability that does crap damage all you get is buffed crap.

Here, have a polished turd on the house.





You cant trust warcraft logs for damage.

Why not?

They still aren’t on the bottom lol.

More the 60% of dps logs for mm are just padding with pi.

I see MM as upper middle right now which is why the only raid competitive Hunter build is being nerfed by up to 10% on multi target and 4% single target. Bliz can’t be having a Hunter be relevant.

Wouldn’t you expect to see similar trends amongst some other DPS (boomies, and mages come to mind) options? And IIRC, isn’t warcraft logs now also marking players who are benefiting from PI and Innervate for logging purposes?

Your assessment feels hyperbolic.

And what is your source of information then? Your brain?