Where is the outrage?

I mean … there is not many specs doing +25s.

But it’s too early to reroll for 9.1 imo, new borrowed powers could flip the meta upside down. I’ll chill and do crap dps for a bit and see what is waiting for us next patch.

As a feral druid main for couple years I’ve lost the faith a long time in blizz doing the right thing XDDD (or simply the logical/reasonable thing).
Also the reroll was already in mind when I felt how quickly hunter damage falls short in higher keys and when I made the realization that the survivability, target cap, lack of ST damage and utility combined make hunter just that much inferior than mage and boomie in keys.

I truly hope blizz can realize what they’ve done and roll out the compensation buff quickly. Also the very much needed buff to BM and SV as well.
But considering the whole covenant and pvp mess making this expansion’s balancing much much much much more complicated and tricky that it needs to be I’m not really having high hopes for anything.

To be fair, hunter was in a really good spot compared too all classes in keys before the nerf. Mages and Boomies are way overtuned and make everything else look like crap.

Bm is receiving a bit of love, it’s a step in the right direction for them, survival is getting memed on.

They had hard time balancing 27dps specs previous expansion and they though balancing 27specs x 4covenant was a bright idea.

I’d like to be optimistic and hope for a rework for MM, but honestly, just seeing how they’ve handled “balancing” recently, I feel 9.1 is going to just be more garbage for MM.

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A rework is not necessary. One strong new legendary or tier set could change everything. Look at BM hunter and rapid reload in 9.3 for example. One tiny bonus can change everything for a class.

It just needs to be a well though change and not a +5 to the radius of tar trap.

Yeah I agree, but the fact that M+ only has three dps is making things different from a pure number matter.
For a pushing team two spots are locked with boomie and mage just by how good they are, and consider the lack of interrupt the third spot is already in favor of melee, but that can be compensate to a degree by having a resto in the team.
Since the damage we put out and the damage profile is really not that big of a difference from WW, fury war or outlaw, the fact that we are squishy and lack of utility comes into play and hunters really don’t have a lot utilities compare to rogue and monk. (and we don’t even have a single hard CC to interrupt some casts.)
So yeah I agree number wise we are decent, but in high keys there’s really not a good reason to bring a MM to the comp other than the player is extraordinary.

Because mage and boomies are completely overtuned.

I agree. But it’s not likely that they are nerfing them anytime soon judging by the 9.0.5 patch, so the meta will remain as it is till they drop the nerf.

Good arguments and evidence you brought to the forum across the posts btw, appreciate the voice you are making. I hope blizz is listening. Have a good night man.

Eheheh. It’s just you an I buddy. No one in charge is around.

The solution is to stop giving wow money.

I switched to FFXIV. It is actually balanced it honestly has way more relevant content than wow. Plus it’s not just an end game game. It takes actual effort to level, im at over a week /played and not max level on a single job and there are 17 jobs you can learn then all the crafting. Plus its all done on 1 character so at the flick of a button you can go from being a samurai, to a bard, to a paladin, or a white mage.


FFXIV’s level of class design, spells, equipments and animation are way beyond what WoW has to offer atm. If I may, WoW’s not even close to where their tech/artists can produce.

How do you feel about the FFXIV now that you’ve left WoW?

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You can be sure that a descent amount of hunter one trick will quit the game because they’re unhappy with the poor balancing.


I guess that really is the only solution and I really, really am trying my best not to quit.

Been playing BM since I was a child and I would always come back through expansions to play a few months cause back then I named my pet in wow after my first irl pet, and idk and idc how sick this may seem but it just felt nice coming back time to time to play with him a bit.

Now, Shadowlands was the first time I played WoW with a more serious mindset and went M+ and got my KSM! But then that was it for me, sadly.

Seeing all my friends playing fire mages and getting all those invites and not having to endure hearing “rly u won’t change to -spec-??? lol /kick” (that back when mm was still something) and climbing up io like it was effortless to find a group that won’t kick you after you mistakenly draw you pets out before key is set. I even lashed out at my old guild’s tank cause he aggressively told me to switch to MM in heroic raiding even tho I was top dps most fights.

I don’t even have any suggestion or something to add, it is just plain sad not being able to at least prove myself, which I believe I deal a not-so-bad damage (between 5.5 to 6k overall and with luck, sometimes more)

Even now as I’m writing this I feel stupid with how much a game is affecting my mood at such complicated times we are living.

Sorry for my English and the somewhat big rant, it just makes me feel weird when I think about logging back in wow and I felt like I had to vent a bit here :stuck_out_tongue:

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I feel you dude… We’re at time where “spec elitism” is getting more prevalent in every single level of play. Making people unable to enjoy the game as they should because they constantly get told to switch spec, switch class. It even make difficult for some individuals to find group even if they are qualified for the content they’re applying on.

With the current mindset class balance is even more important to have everyone enjoy the game fully at every level of play.

i played FFxiv when ARR first launched, it had its issues and unlike wow it listened to its players and it is WORLDS better. The story is such you actually care about it. It also looks 1000 times better on top of it having other perks. The fact that they do not allow for 3rd party addons or any addons what so ever you actually have to play the game instead of an addon telling you every little thing. They game is more dynamic while still being scripted for encounters.

Every class had DPS that matters. You have “roles” you fill beyond that of the standard tank, healer, DPS. You have tank, healers, then caster DPS and support DPS. The RAIDS DPS matters far more than any one persons. So while a dancer doesnt have the raw DPS of a samurai the danger can buff that samurai to do 5% more DPS all the time as well as give that samurai a 20% CRIT buff that lines up with their other skills in theri burst window. A bard buffs everyone in the group with different songs on a rotaion to get more damage more speed ect. The game is far more based on teamwork than wow.

The BIGGEST difference is the community, its not toxic like wow.

thats one of the reason i went to FFXIV. That simply doesnt exist there as the game is actually balanced. The difference in the top and boss is at most 7% but the ones at the bottom bring more than enough support and utility that they are often more valued then the top potential DPS classes.

Oh yeah, and the easiest FFXIV class at 80 (max level) is harder to master than any class in wow while being fun to paly.

My frustration is at an all time high. Last night I logged into my hunter, sat in LFG for over an hour even though I was more then qualified as far as minimum CR and EXP and couldn’t get a group. I log onto my Warlock who I just started playing this expansion who is way less geared, and I was snatched up right away.

Sure, the lock fills a specific roll with the 50% slow and pressure, but I guarantee I would be more impactful towards a team win with the hunter.

I don’t blame the group leaders, their job is to make the best group possible to win games, have fun, and keep the group rolling. I blame Bliz for putting hunters in such a position that they are unwelcome in LFG.


im trying to funel all complains and ideias to a single thread please help


Are you talking about RBGs?

Yeah pretty sad state of affairs for hunter in PVP content lol

Warriors have Intervene, basically serves the same purpose