Who fires the catapults again?
Squandered? Yes, because she could smell that Kel’thuzad was coming across the horizon. She did not simply want to give Arthas a clean death, which he refused to give her. She wanted to take her time killing him. And I like how you blame Arthas’ rise to lich kingdom on Sylvanas. Who did Arthas belong to? The Kingdom of Lordaeron? Who didn’t stop him when he started going insane at first? Ah yes! Jaina and Uther. I can do that too. Again, it has nothing to do with the argument which is:
-Sylvanas would have never trusted Saurfang enough to cut Malfurion down and would have stood right there to make sure he does it.
Yes, and her manipulation and trust in others has gotten her killed and betrayed before. Which is why it makes perfect sense. She doesn’t want to die, but knows the moment the Horde stops following her, she is as good as dead. Thusly:
-Vol’jins funeral.
-Her manipulation of Saurfang (using facts and logic) to convince him that the war in inevitable instead of simply forcing him into the war.
-And now, sadly with her ‘For the Horde!’ moment which I had hoped would have been a sign for her actually caring for the Horde, but no, she cannot let them die, so she a.) had to motivate them and b.) had to paint herself as one of them.
Mind you that we both are now truly in headcanon territory, we are simply assuming stuff using the lore already given to us to try to make sense of motivations which have been not explained yet in any book or quest. So until the lore hits to prove either one of us, or both of us wrong. We will not know who of us is right.
You make a viable argument, but mine is just as likely, so we will not know who is right until they decide to explain it.
Which was titanically stupid. She knew Kelthuzad and Arthas’s other loyalists were out there somewhere and knew, or at least should have known that they could find her at any moment and that she probably would never get another chance at this.
Kel’thuzad had no idea that Arthas was being taken out to a trap, not even Arthas knew. So why would she think that Kel’thuzad would suspect treachery when not even Arthas knew before he was already in her trap.
yawn Love these circular arguments. Bottom line though is Alliance can play the morality car wash gig on their attack on Dazar’Alor all they like while pounding the “Remember Teldrassil!” drum, but I still think I might be rolling a Zandalar troll alt who’s out to get back at Alliance for Rasta’Khan.
Zandalar Forever!
Sadly though, by the time Zandalar trolls are properly recruited, we’ll be saying our first hellos to N’Zoth courtesy of Ms. Talkingblade. Next patch will likely be the All Azshara Channel. Patch after that will probably be Saurfang getting his anti-Sylvanas rebellion off and running. Finally it’ll be the innevitable “Let’s Finally Kill Sylvanas” raid. /yawn
Not much chance to fight Alliance in the foreseeable future. Telanji, like the Alliance, will have to choose saving the world instead of pursuing justice.
Which bothers the hell out of me. Saurfang is a coward and a traitor and because of him we will most likely kill our Warchief again and be forced to either follow A.) Suicidal Traitor Honor Boi B.) Bainduin Bloodwrynn or C.) Treasonous, Human Orc. I would rather follow Talanji or Lor’themar, each of which have their justified axes to grind with the Alliance, just like Sylvanas.
In Brennadem, Horde literally strung up dead mothers in front of their panicked children. Goblin sappers cornered unarmed civilians and most likely delighted in burning them alive - all ordered by Sylvanas Windrunner.
Like have some self awareness, please!
I was thinking about this too.
Zandalari Trolls are much hyped. Very sought after. With decent racials, rich lore, and a massive city. They can have many Class options.
They will be popular.
I have been wondering: how much time will Zandalari players even have to vent any rage at the Alliance before the narrative focuses else where. Nazjatar. Azshara. Nyalotha. Nzoth. Yrel. The Shadowlands. Hidden enemies.
Just an observation.
if there is something that i learned from playing worgen is that the salt will never end.
* ejem *
gilneas will reborn from the blood of our enemies.
but yeah, there is a strong chance that we will never see the faction war ever again.
So by your logic, if say civilians throw rocks at the US armed forces, the US armed forces are just meant to stand there and do nothing?
Because doing anything to them is “hur dur you hurt innocent civilians”.
Yes, yes, exactly that, because rocks are utterly harmless to a fully armed soldier. When you are wearing full battle-rattle, with helmet and bullet-proof vest, those rocks will do absolutely nothing. I was in the military and there was a thing we were taught, it was equivalent force. If a civilian attacks you with a rock, you don’t just blow his face off with the entire content of your clip, no you, take them down non-lethally. For the same reason why you don’t pick up a child who throws a fit and kicks you and toss him across the room. Because it is not equivalent force.
Dark Iron: Fully-armored, fully-armed, martially-trained and experienced commandos wielding cataclysmic natural forces.
Zandalari Civilian: wields a pig-sticker.
Place your bets on who would win. Especially since said Civilian had no choice but too fight seeing how the Dark Iron were literally blocking the exits.
But that can still hurt them. So you are hurting civilians.
Doesn’t matter about showing equivalent force, you are still hurting civilians.
There is probably a forum-action-line I would cross if I made a joke about this.
It did remind me of Austin Powers vs Mini Me in Austin Powers 2.
Hurting != Killing. Hurting is alright as long as you don’t kill them when it is avoided. Of course, the Dark Iron could have simply NOT blocked the exit to let those civilians escape, rather then force them to fight back and then murdering them in cold blood.
Yeah, XD
Having a rock thrown into your face, whether you are wearing kevlar or not will still cause serious bodily harm or possible death, not ‘absolutely nothing.’ Yes, you don’t start unload on the crowd or offender, but you certainly don’t just keep on walking. That’s equivalent to someone shooting a rifle at your armored fighting vehicle, you don’t just ignore that. Why? Because you aren’t the only person there and that non-immediate threat to you can and likely is a threat to someone else.
World of Warcraft doesn’t offer players many options when it comes to non-lethal takedowns in their mechanics. Yes, you can CC some enemies, but they are still engaged with you and will attack you no matter what. There’s no detaining them or talking them down. People in this thread are putting much more thought and effort into this than any developer did.
Considering these guys were riding on a huge brutosaur, I’d consider it a deadl weapon that could trample soldiers.
You mean the Furious merchants, sure, once the Brutosaur is dead though, they are useless in combat. Thusly a pommel to the gut is usually enough to down a person for a soldier to come in and tie them down. And that maneuver is quite easy when fighting someone who does not know how to fight.
No, because that would require some serious luck and some serious aim by said person who threw said stone. Again those civilians are combating the Dark Iron, who did not even allow the civilians to escape, blocking their exits and even hunting those that escaped, stopped only outside of the raid exit by Zandalari Prelates and a Captain.
they didnt try to escape, and kept fighting. They remained combatants.
Go to Horde side, do the first bit of LFR and try to tell me that again. The furious merchants there had no time to escape, consider that the attack came completely out of left field.
The raid happens in this chronological order:
-Horde goes out to investigate Nazmir
-Alliance attack getting their asses handed to them by the Zandalari Navy until they blow their bombs.
-They invade a capital city and a residential area, letting loose a mindless Kaijuu that cannot differentiate between friend or foe, much less civilian and combatant before the Zandalari can even get over the shock that their Navy was just reduced to splinters.
-Horde notices smoke and explosions and runs back to Dazar’alor.
-Alliance murder their way through the Prelates, the Jadefire Masters.
-Horde makes it to Dazar’alor and notices refugees still running for their lives.
-Horde pushes into Dazar’alor, holding back several Dark Iron that were not only blocking the refugee exit, but also hunting those that escaped them and murdering civilians in cold blood. We kill the Dark Iron Paladin.
-Bwonsamdi raises a army of the dead to slow the Alliance.
-We kill Grong, Grong is raised as a Undead.
-Alliance fight Undead Grong.
-We push forward to the Jadefire Masters no matter how hard Jaina is trying to stop us. (Oh I also forgot to mention that Gelbin brags about how Dazar’alor is now Alliance property and we of the Horde (Zandalari included) should get lost)
And that is all of LFR I did, try to tell me again how those civilians had ANY choice in the matter.
“No?” Excuse me? Anyone can throw a stone or rock, it’s not a skill you need special training for. Children do it all the time which is why their parents tell them not to because of the high likely chance of an injury or breaking something. Throw enough stones, one will eventually hit someone’s face.