Where is the outrage for Dazar'alor?

LFR is the first 3 fights. And your armory says you’re lying. It says 0/9 LFR

… what would you do?

I imagine he does justify the killings. That doesn’t mean he views his reasons for them, or how far he’s willing to go in said killings, as being morally equivalent.

I posted a answer to all of it in my previous post when I edited it.

Claiming the city belongs to you doesn’t mean you’re willing to kill everyone in the city.

Again, they are morally in-equivalent because the consequences were far less severe. And post-battle the Alliance chose not to press the advantage.

If you show a willingness to kill Zandalari for being part of the Horde no matter if they are civilian or not and then claiming the city belongs to you… 1+1

Yes, for the benefit of Anduin who was already having misgivings about it, and only Jaina saw this, Genn WANTED to press the attack, just as Shaw wanted it. Only jaina spoke against it, and I find her words not believable, considering the fact that she just got done gloating about the death of the Zandalari and their King to Talanji.

Also to be fair to the alliance, none of their races held particularly high views of trolls BEFORE bfa. killing trolls is probably seens in the same vein as killing murlocs.

I mean even if the intent was to slaughter them all, which you’re exaggerating because you’re loving the 500+ replies you’ve gotten and I’m willingly letting myself be trolled, what the hell did they expect? They joined the horde RIGHT after they committed freaking genocide. When you choose undead hitler for an ally, there’s gonna be consequences.

So the answer is to become ‘HERO HITLER?’ Really?

The alliance did not exactly give the zandalari much choice. They imprisoned their princess and lead advisor (which ironically was actually doing them a favor unbeknownst to anyone) and the trolls needed help from SOMEONE

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see you’re conjecturing that the alliance would have committed genocide if they could. I’m conjecturing you’re full of crap, and whats more, is that you know it, and that no they wouldn’t. Either way… the alliance DIDN’T destroy DA, so your conjure that the alliance woulda doesn’t matter, because they didnt.

That included, and instead of going: Hey? Maybe if we help the Zandalari instead, maybe we can convince them NOT to join the Horde. Nope… eternal imprisonment sounds better.

Intent matters, and they would have murdered every zandalari and claimed Dazar’alor for themselves if they had not been pushed out, sorry, but those are the facts.

And based on the actual experience from people who WERE there (us, the alliance) we didn’t want to commit genocide. You’re wrong. You know you’re wrong. And you’re arguing with me to increase this thread’s size.

I’m going home from work. 10/10 bait bro. Good job. I bit, and i bit hard.

Doesn’t add up to what you think it does. You can be fine killing some civilians and fine claiming a city without being fine killing everyone in that city. Absolutely.

You’ve still not addressed the fact that even assuming intent is the equivalent (which requires headcanon), the consequences make the events in-equivalent.


Again, I played Alliance and in the first 3 bosses he already established himself as a genocidal maniac who was only thwarted because of the Horde. Sorry, not sorry.

And no, I am arguing with you because you are obviously wrong.

*inserts meme here *

Sure Jan :roll_eyes:


No argument, ignored, bye.

because you’re so obviously trolling that its laughable.


Seriously… are you telling me, if you saw a giant pit bull made completely out of molten lava… would you not cower? Would you not try to surrender to whoever it’s master is? Or are you telling me that you’re such a BA irl, that you would square up with a giant lava dog?


I am telling you that if I just saw, said pitbull tear through several civilians who had done nothing but try to flee, I would not think that it’s master would be any more inclined to let me live, simply because I a begging for my life.

And the screenshots will have to wait until morning, seeing how you can’t just run into raids anymore apparently… or at least not new raids unless you are a in a raid group, and a LFR queue will take up to 15 minutes, which honestly, I don’t have the patience for right now. 2AM I am tired, I am going to sleep, I will get those screenshots when I wake up.