Where is the official source of lore

In the mind of the Game Director. Ion currently.

There are a lot of published sources of Lore.

Basically take all the officially published Books, comics, game manuals, and past games, put them in a pile. Mark it with the following sign:

“Canon until Blizzard says something that contradicts it.”

ie The Table Top RPG had a ton of lore in it, most of which has now been made obsolete.

Ironically, in game is the worst place for canon. All those quests, they might have happened, but only once, and I stress “Might have happened” as our questing may not have happened at all in canon.

Same goes for dungeons and raids, the events that happen in them might have happened, but we didn’t do it.

Im not a huge fanboy of any particular fictitious world. But when I sit down and read a bunch of 80s dc comics the universe they created is not “full of retcon” Everything that occured in the DC universe made sense. Eventually though they had to make the “oh well actually there are alot of other universes” to explaine some characters and events.
I just want to know what Novels about the warcraft universe are considered most cannon.

Dude, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Infinite Crisis, 52, and the New 52 have all been for the sake of retcons.

Ah…okay. Hrm…I think the novels from cata forward are considered canon, but I would seek clarity from Nobble’s community in the comments on his vids. Some of the earlies novels were…less than well supervised for lore and have some issues.
Bellular is doing a series on the entire lore of wow and talks about sources.

Ik thats what i ment. that was their only way to solve the holes and mistakes they made, was to make a multiverse. So with one giant fel retcon swoop they fixed everything

Not me but I’m sure there is an evil twin out there somewhere.


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Part of the reason I don’t buy their books, that crap is getting real old.

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How many times has Superman “died”?

Still the one I think.

In comics or movies? I remember there being an animated movie The Death of Superman, didn’t watch it but I assume he dies or rather “dies”.

But idc what’s canon in comics anymore.

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I only remember the one in comics but they dance around it a lot. Probably because of they kill him again it’ll be nowhere near as impactful and still cheapen the first arc.

Not so much ‘retconned’ as made it as reliable as any history textbook you’d find in school. What it tells, it tells truthfully, as the speaker understands the truth. However, there are nuances, shades of grey, and lies repeated that the speaker may believe true. And the beginning is as reliable as any creation mythos.

Pyromancer only talks about it every week or so. And they did say it at Blizzcon, which immediately got spread around the various YouTube lore speculators. Pyromancer was actually the one who yelled “Titans!” in the panel.

The way I see it they write the story based on Pyromancers predictions and the last Dreamworks film then once it’s in game Nobbel reports on it.


Why did I just imagine an evil cookie stealing mechagnome alt showing up next expac?

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Helpful information here. It’s also one of the reasons why I just can’t take WoW’s ‘lore’ seriously. I get it, many of us who are fans of other fantasy worlds love that there’s a connected lore to learn or be studied. But WoW has never had that for any length of time. Too many errors, inconsistencies and retcons to actually define any story writing as ‘Lore’, imo.

To be fair, WoW’s lore is more consistent than what is written in RL history textbooks.