Well yes, it was Natalie Seline after all. But the point was that while her research was a cornerstone the forsaken used in the creation of the cult of forgotten shadow, she didn’t found it herself.
I got a kick out of it, but also Forsaken should be more front and center against the Void. Got Alleria looking like a chump while Im sure a banshee could have solved this whole mess months ago.
They’re certainly made to sound more combative with eachother than it actually comes off, especially with no/broken voice lines.
Now that I’ve done it horde side, my original issue in alpha was that Adelgon is there “mediating” though tends to come off more exaggerated given the rest of the lines. I’m starting to think the Savage line from Turalyon was meant to be changed, tbh. It’s very out of place with how he talks to the horde player before and after this one line, nothing addresses, it goes against recent characterizations of him and for this saga.
As far as everything else with this quest, they did fluff it up more and I appreciate that a lot. Didn’t see any vulpera or mechagnomes about, but there’s general dark fallen/ranger npcs besides the named one there with belmont and voss. Mostly good stuff, maybe trollbane has a cute falling accident in the future.
Just gotta wait until Horde gets a flavor of Gnomes, then you’ll be all set to play Alliance as Horde. Maybe Nathanos/Derek flavored Forsaken to round out the human look.
Uuuuugh. Thing is, I wouldn’t even be surprised.
Leper gnomes in Midnight
More of the monkey paw at play, I fear, except the Horde got splashed with the results at this time.
Alliance Players: “This isn’t what we meant when we said we wanted Mechagnomes, how the hell did you even come to the conclusion we wanted amputee diaper gnomes?! WE WANTED ROBOTS!”
Blizzard: “We hear you, loud and clear! Allow us to present a new race, EARTHEN! Exactly what you asked for. Also, the Horde can have them too!”
Alliance and Horde Players: “WHO WAS ASKING FOR EARTHEN?!?”
at least they’re not the creepy monolithic bald dwarf earthen
A few of the females with beards did throw me off the first time I ran into them
Blizzard cannot win sometimes, but I guess that comes with trying to serve an audience with 10,000 different agendas all at once.
To be fair, Mechagnomes do look really cool with their heritage armor on. As for the earthen? They have potential, but I know some people don’t want them for various reasons.
But that’s just looking at it from a positive standpoint.
True, but, you know, if players ask for something, maybe just giving it to them rather than re-inventing the wheel would lead to some actual wins for once.
Yeah, but it’s never just that simple since there’s a million different wants, and some of them conflict.
True, but sometimes what players want isn’t always feasible or worth the effort for the 0.01% players that would actually want or like said thing
I can’t think of anyone asking for robots.
It wasn’t a big, constant request.
In fact, when it came to discussions about subraces back in the day, it was mostly, “Well, what ELSE would there be for Gnomes,” with a sprinkling of borg memes.
But I can guarantee you, NO ONE asked for Gnomes whom amputate their arms and legs to become cyborgs.
I can deal with elves and vulpera, but earthen (dwarves) are just a step too far for me.
It is nice to see Voss, Belmont and Velonara on the beaches but I had to look for them and they’ve nothing to say.
Still kinda leaves me vaguely hopeful we might see something between the Forsaken and Nerubians seeing as we’ve two spymasters and a dark ranger on the board.
Where is High Executor Anselm and why isn’t he a Death Knight when the night elves have a named death knight in their life world tree?
…was forgotten in WotLK. Along with every other Executor, when they made this hodgepodge forsaken council that’s running the show now. If you pushed them on it now, they would likely say Sylvanas killed them off or some such.