Sylvanas will learn to use a sling shot.
I did a cursory look over the internet, and it seemed there is enough of a difference between an Archer and a Slinger.
Sylvanas will learn to use a sling shot.
I did a cursory look over the internet, and it seemed there is enough of a difference between an Archer and a Slinger.
I am not really sure why were even trying to sell them as dwarves anyways, they are more robots with a few dwarf-ish trappings than actual dwarves. No one is going to mistake an Earthen for a Dwarf.
It’s funny that they were capable of adding a questline in the post campaign where only horde players experience Turalyon calling them savages without any bite back.
Because I’ve seen some say Geya’rah calls the alliance player trash or something equal to what Turalyon says, that’s wrong. Her line for the alliance player is:
“Feh. Another Alliance lackey here to polish Turalyon’s armor.”
This is insane lmao.
Wait seriously? I thought Turalyon was my bro
Yeah this actually is not a joke. Alliance has different dialogue and it’s been like this since alpha/beta despite Alleria’s “We can no longer be horde or alliance” line getting nix’d in the same questline.
IIRC, at least you’re then sent off to an actual horde character for a quest, right? I thought the problem with alliance NPCs being catty to you was that you had no choice but to quest with / for them while they do it.
Edit: Well, maybe not the sole problem, since one way or another you’d normally not get a horde NPC to quest with at all.
Frankly, I’m not sure why they would have Turalyon’s lines change at all just to take a dig at the horde player. But you’re partially correct, you do have a horde npc for a few of those quests. Are they deep? YMMV but I don’t remember alpha/beta having much substance to it besides the reassurance that a whole host of horde characters are on the isles now. To surely use at… some point.
One quest with the horde character, the other though you have to do from Turalyon.
Will admit, at least Thrall gave some shaman teaching a bit later on.
That seriously hurts. The one Alliance I actually do want to hang out and quest with is the only one being a jerk to me.
Also it seems backwards Alleria should be the Horde hostile one.
It’s also a weird choice because their short story had him in Silvermoon on cheery speaking terms with Liadrin. Even if this is a case of the quest designer not knowing, I find it a little baffling that someone higher up, I don’t know, wouldn’t have left a key point for the questline regarding that. And I do agree, it’s weird they practically neutered any of her former grudges and hatreds for the horde just to do this with Turalyon. The reality on that imo is that they probably didn’t want horde players getting put off from her part in the story the way some sentiments were with Tyrande’s dialogue to the horde in legion. Or reactions to Nathanos’ attitude, even.
One lmao… That does sound right though. I’ll have to get to it to see what else changed or didn’t.
I mean it is weird to use Turalyon as a mouthpiece for anti-Horde rhetoric when two weeks ago he visited one of its capitals to, uh, “consult” with Liadrin. But if they can phase out all of Alleria’s hatred of the Horde they can certainly gloss over Turalyon’s occasional friendliness towards it. Mostly I’m just glad there’s some faction identity in play at all.
At that spot if I’m remembering it’s just the two quests then move on. one from each faction person.
Its Turalyon and Geya’rah in that questing chapter. They keep sniping at each other and the players. I seem to recall Geya’rah basically calling my Alliance pc trash.
Crazy, and a bit tragic, to think we’ve purged the Horde of so many characters with unflattering opinions of the Alliance that the time-travelling orc invented for BfA is about the only one left to give lip.
I’m only on the second chapter, but the lvl 80 campaign already has much better Horde representation than the level up campaign does. Thrall gets to do some shaman mentoring, completely at ease with the elements. There’s lots of pre-existing named NPCs on the landing site for the ships, so take your time looking around to spot everyone. Of the higher ranking leadership characters present there, we have Geya’rah, Voss, Velonara, Belmont, Liadrin, Halduron, Rakera, and Ji, along with many other minor characters.
As a general note, I really like that the assembled Horde and Alliance troops have a lot of visual variation, and that there’s nice details about how everyone’s arranged and what they’re doing. Liadrin patrols with her adopted daughter, Dezco watches his son train Earthen, Halduron and Rakera are having a chat, etc. The ships have some nice variation too; even though the set dressing is the same, the NPCs aboard each aren’t all doing the same thing
Have you considered the fact that people keep telling you that you’re wrong might just mean that you’re wrong?
“THEY HAVE YELLOW TAGS!” like who cares, in terms of story beats they are absolutely 100% Alliance characters.
I’m doing a lot of compstomp, since tonight’s the last night for it, but uhhh
this is the problem.
every positive thing the horde gets is always off screen and/or out of game.
Actually, that means that I’m in the right, if the normies/sheeples are saying I’m wrong.
No the lore used to be that the forsaken founded the cult of forgotten shadow after finding old books about someone researching the shadow magic of the orcs.
The religion was very much a forsaken invention based upon old Lordaeron research viewed through the forsaken lens.
Someone? Like a human?